Diablo 2.3 PTR Patch 1 – Datamined Info
Paragon Levels 2001- 10000 Experience
Item Passive Changes
Shenlong’s Spirit
- 2 pieces: The damage of your Spirit Generators is increased by 2% (up from 1%) for each point of Spirit you have.(Spiritの残量1ポイントにつきSpirit生成スキルのダメージが2%増加します。)
- When reaching maximum Spirit, all damage is increased by 100% (down from 300%), but you no longer passively regenerate Spirit and 65 Spirit is drained every second until you run out of Spirit.(Spiritが最大の時のダメージが100%増加します。ただし、Spiritが自己回復しなくなり、Spiritが枯渇するまで毎秒65Spiritを消耗します。)
Vyr’s Amazing Arcana
- 4 pieces: Archon stacks also increase your Attack Speed, Armor and Resistances by 1%. (reworked from starting with 50 Archon stacks)(Archonスタックによりアタックスピード、アーマー、耐性値も1%ずつ増加します。)
* 元の4pcセットの効果とFazula’s Improbable Chain(シーズンベルト)の効果が入れ替わったのかもしれません。ベルト側のボーナス効果は未確認。
Helltooth Harness
- 2 pieces: Primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Zombie Dogs, Gargantuan, Grasp of the Dead and Piranhas now cause Necrosis as well. Necrosis now also increases damage from all sources by 15% for 10 seconds. (new)(Primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Zombie Dogs, Gargantuan, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhasでも壊死状態を引き起こします。壊死状態のエネミーに対する全てのダメージが10秒間、15%増加します。)
- 6 pieces: Now increases damage of Primary Skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Zombie Dogs and Gargantuan by [VALUE]% for 12 seconds after casting Wall of Death. This effect stacks up to 3 times. (new)(Wall of DeathをキャストするとPrimary Skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Zombie Dogs, Gargantuanのダメージが12秒間、[]%増加します。効果は最大3回スタックします。)
Seeker of the Light
- 6 pieces: Increase the damage of Blessed Hammer by [VALUE] and Falling Sword by 500%. (up from 250%)(Blessed Hammerのダメージが[]%、Falling Swordのダメージが500%増加します。)
Spirit of Arachyr
- 6 pieces: The damage of your creature skills is increased by [VALUE]%. Creature skills are Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Locust Swarm (new), Hex, and Piranhas.(クリーチャースキルのダメージが[]%増加します。クリーチャースキルはCorpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Locust Swarm, Hex, Piranhasです。)
- Vyr’s Hellacool Helm renamed to: Vyr’s Sightless Skull(名称変更)
- Vyr’s Shocking Shoulders renamed to: Vyr’s Proud Pauldrons(名称変更)
- NEW: Scrimshaw (Spear): Reduces the Mana cost of Zombie Charger by [VALUE]%.(Zombie ChargerのManaコストを[]%削減します。)
- NEW: Unknown: Acid Cloud gains the effect of the Lob Blob Bomb rune.(Acid CloudにLob Blob Bombルーンが適用されます。)
- NEW: Unknown: Gain the Confidence Ritual passive.(パッシブスキルのConfidence Ritualの効果を得ます。)
- Sacred Harness (Belt): Judgment gains the effect of the Debilitate rune (new) and is cast at your landing location when casting Falling Sword.(JudgementにDebilitateルーンが適用され、Falling Swordの着地点にJudgementをキャストします。)
- Henri’s Perquisition (Mojo): The first time an enemy deals damage to you, reduce that damage by [VALUE]% and Charm the enemy for 3 seconds.(エネミー1体から受ける最初のダメージを[]%軽減し、そのエネミーを3秒間チャーム状態にします。)
- Hunter’s Wrath (Belt): Your primary skills (reworded from Hatred Generators) attack 30% faster and deal [VALUE]% increased damage.(プライマリスキル(Hatred生成スキルから修正)のアタックスピードが30%増加し、ダメージが[]%増えます。)
- Coils of the First Spider: While channeling Firebats, you take 30% reduced damage (new) and gain [VALUE] Life per Hit.(Firebatsを放出中は被ダメージが30%軽減され、Life per Hit[]を得ます。)
- Jeram’s Bracers (Bracers): Wall of Death can be cast up to three times (up from twice) within 2 seconds before the cooldown begins.(Wall of Deathのクールダウンが始まるまでの2秒以内に最大3回キャストすることができます。)
- Bracers of the First Men (Bracers): Hammer of the Ancients now attacks 50% faster and deals [VALUE]% increased damage. (new)(Hammer of the Ancientsのアタックスピードが50%アップし、ダメージは50%増加するようになります。)
- Bracers of Destruction (Bracers): Seismic Slam deals [VALUE]% increased damage to the first 5 enemies it hits (up from 2).(Seismic Slamがヒットした最初のエネミー5体に対するダメージが[]%増加します。)
Class Changes
- Relentless Skills cost 50% less Fury (down from 75%). Life per Fury Spent is now doubled. (new)(スキルのFuryコストが50%減ります。Life per Fury Spent量が倍になります。)
- Threatening Shout
- Falter : Now makes enemies take 30% increased damage for 6 seconds. (new)(エネミーの被ダメージが6秒間、30%増加するようになります。)
- Battle Rage
- Swords to Ploughshares : Now also heals pets – Ancients. (new)(Ancientsへのヒール効果も発生するようになります。)
- Spiritual Attunement Maximum Mana is increased by 10%. Regenerate
2% of your maximum Mana per second. (down from 3%).(Manaの最大値が10%増加します。毎秒最大Manaの2%が回復します。) - Vision Quest When you deal damage with Corpse Spiders, Firebomb, Plague of Toads, or Poison Dart, your Mana regeneration is increased by 40% (up from 30%) for 5 seconds.(Corpse Spiders, Firebomb, Plague of Toads, Poison Dartでダメージを与えた際にMana回復量が40%増加します。)
- Fierce Loyalty Now also passively increases movespeed by 15% (up from 0%) when you have a Gargantuan, Zombie Dog or Fetish summoned, even when in combat.(Gargantuan, Zombie Dog, Fetishが戦闘状態でも移動速度が15%アップするようになります。)
- Grasp of the Dead Cost: 150 Mana / Cooldown: 8 seconds / Ghoulish hands reach out from the ground, slowing enemy movement by 60% and dealing 760% weapon damage (up from 560%) as Physical over 8 seconds.(コスト:150Mana / クールダウン:8秒 / Ghoulish handsが地面から出現しエネミーの移動速度を60%減らし、8秒間で武器ダメージ760%を物理属性で与えます。 )
- Groping Eels : Increase the damage done to 1360% weapon damage (up from 880%) as Physical.(ダメージを武器ダメージ1360%に増やします。)
- Unbreakable Grasp : Now also removes the mana cost. (new)(Manaの消費コストを廃止します。)
- Desperate Grasp : Cooldown of Grasp of the Dead reduced to 4 (down from 6) seconds.(Grasp of the Deadのクールダウンを4秒に減らします。)
- Acid Cloud
- Corpse Bomb : Raise a corpse from the ground that explodes for 700% weapon damage (up from 620%) as Fire to enemies in the area.(地面から死体を呼び起こしエリア内のエネミーに武器ダメージ700%を火属性で与えます。)
- Zombie Charger
- Zombie Bears : Summon zombie bears that stampede towards your enemy. Each bear deals 520% weapon damage (up from 400%) as Poison to enemies in the area.(エネミーへ突進するzombie bearsを召喚します。それぞれのbearはエリア内のエネミーに武器ダメージ520%を毒属性で与えます。)
- Lumbering Cold : Zombie winter bears crawl out of the ground and run in all directions, dealing 280% weapon damage (up from 200%) as Cold to nearby enemies.(Zombi winter bearsが地面から這い出し全方位に走り出します。周囲のエネミーに武器ダメージ280%をコールド属性で与えます。)
- Pile On : Summon a tower of zombies that falls over, dealing 880% weapon damage (up from 800%) as Physical to any enemies it hits.(倒壊するtower of zombiesを召喚します。ヒットしたエネミーに対し武器ダメージ880%を物理属性で与えます。)
- Undeath : If the Zombie Charger kills any enemies, it will reanimate and charge nearby enemies for 480% weapon damage (up from 360%) as Poison.(Zombie Chargerが倒したエネミーが蘇生し周囲のエネミーに突進します。武器ダメージ480%を毒属性で与えます。)
- Explosive Beast : Summon an explosive Zombie Dog that streaks toward the enemy before exploding, dealing 680% weapon damage (upfrom 580%) as Fire to all enemies within 12 yards.(Zombie Dogがエネミーに突進し爆発します。12ヤード以内の全エネミーに武器ダメージ680%を火属性で与えます。)
- Firebats Now costs a fixed 125 mana. Deals for 475% weapon damage (up from 425%) as Fire.(コストが一律125Manaで固定になります。武器ダメージ475%を火属性で与えます。)
- Dire Bats : Summon fewer but larger bats that travel a long distance and deal 500% weapon damage (up from 495%) as Fire.(数は少ないが大型のbatsを召喚します。長距離を移動し武器ダメージ500%を火属性で与えます。)
- Hungry Bats : Rapidly summon two bats that each seek out a nearby enemy for 750% weapon damage (up from 635%) as Fire.(即座に2体のbatsを召喚します。周囲のエネミーを索敵し武器ダメージ750%を火属性で与えます。)
- Plague Bats : Diseased bats fly towards the enemy and infect them. Damage is slow at first, but can increase over time to a maximum of 720% weapon damage (up from 660%) as Poison.(Diseased batsがエネミーに向かい感染させます。ダメージは徐々に増えていき最大で武器ダメージ720%を毒属性で与えます。)
- Vampire Bats : Initial mana cost increased to 250 (up from 225)(キャスト時のManaコストが250に増加します。)
- Cloud of Bats : Call forth a swirl of bats that damage nearby enemies for 425% weapon damage as Fire. Now increases damage every second up to a maximum of 850% weapon damage after 3 seconds (up from 525%).(swirl of batsを前方へ呼び出し周囲のエネミーに武器ダメージ425%を火属性で与えます。ダメージは毎秒増加し、3秒後には最大で武器ダメージ850%を与えるようになります。)
- Big Bad Voodoo
- Ghost Trance : Now also reduces all damage taken by 20%. (new)(全てのダメージを20%軽減する効果が追加されます。)
- Piranhas
- Bogadile : The giant bogadile now also stuns enemies. (new)(giant bogadileの攻撃にスタン効果が追加されます。)
- Confidence Ritual: You deal 25% additional damage to enemies within 20 yards. (new passive)(20ヤード以内にいるエネミーに対して25%の追加ダメージを与えます。)
- Description: Take your enemies into your confidence. Bring them close, so that they may share the fruits of your efforts.(フレイバーテキストなので省略。)
- Unstable Anomaly When you receive fatal damage, you instead gain a shield equal to 400% (up from 300%) of your maximum Life for 5 seconds and release a shockwave that knocks enemies back and Stuns them for 3 seconds. / This effect may occur once every 60 seconds.(致命的ダメージを受けると、最大ヘルス400%分のシールドが5秒間発生し復活します。また、エネミーをノックバックし、3秒間スタンさせるショックウェーブをリリースします。/ この効果は60秒につき1回まで発動させることができます。)
Achievement Strings