気になるのはリストの一番最後にあるラインハルトのセリフ”This is no castle… it’s a tomb.”(これは城ではない・・・墓だ。)ってセリフ。今のとこオーバーウォッチのロアで明らかになっている城はHanamuraにあるShimada Castle。単にHanamura用の新しいセリフかもしれないけど、もしかしたらShimada Castle自体が新マップになる可能性も?
Ana Ult Response:
As mentioned in this post. Note the reverb, like in ultimate sounds.
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Genji | Strength flows through me! |
McCree | I’m unstoppable! |
Pharah | Systems at max! |
Reinhardt | I feel powerful! |
Ana Debuff Response:
Not sure if live, haven’t played on PTR enough:
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Lucio | Not feelin’ so hot. |
Mercy | I’m not feeling my best. |
Widowmaker | I don’t feel so good. |
Zarya | I feel… weak. |
‘Sorry’ Voice Line:
Haven’t seen this one yet!
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
McCree | Sorry ‘bout that. |
Pharah | My mistake. |
Mercy | Das tut mir leid. I am sorry. |
Widowmaker | Désolé. Sorry |
Something’s Not Right…:
Hmm, what could it mean?
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Reaper | Something’s not right. |
Soldier: 76 | Something’s not right. |
Tracer | Something’s not right. |
Enemy Is Hiding:
Similar to above, maybe something to incentivize flankers to crouch? Or perhaps just part of some mini-game?
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Genji | I sense the presence of the enemy. |
McCree | Now I can’t see you, but I know you’re there. |
Torbjorn | Ehh, someone’s lurking over here. |
Enemy Detected:
metal gear solid alert sound
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Mercy | Enemy detected. |
Reinhardt | Enemy detected. |
Zarya | Enemy detected. Be on your guard. |
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Reinhardt | Oktoberfest! My favorite time of year! Now where are my lederhosen? |
Reinhardt | Do I have time for a currywurst? Hmm? |
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Genji | My Halloween costume? Cyborg ninja. |
Soldier: 76 | Trick or treat. |
Tracer | Ooh, scary! |
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Genji | Merry Christmas! |
Lucio | Happy holidays! |
Reinhardt | Who’s feeling the holiday spirit? |
New Year:
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Zarya | S novym godom! Happy New Year |
Tracer | Who’s ready for some fireworks? |
Supposedly played when you sink one. Nothing but net!
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Lucio | Oh, from downtown! |
Reaper | Kobe, eat your heart out. |
Reinhardt | Just like Dirk Nowitzki! Huehahahahaa! |
Some Fresh Blizzard Humor:
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Lucio | It’s-a-me, a-Lucio! |
Torbjorn | Ehh… have you seen my aardvark? |
…and lastly this Reinhardt line:
Which I’m rather curious about.
Hero | Voice Line (click for audio) |
Reinhardt | This is no castle… it’s a tomb. |