[Overwatch] PTRパッチに収録されている未発表のボイスライン




気になるのはリストの一番最後にあるラインハルトのセリフ”This is no castle… it’s a tomb.”(これは城ではない・・・墓だ。)ってセリフ。今のとこオーバーウォッチのロアで明らかになっている城はHanamuraにあるShimada Castle。単にHanamura用の新しいセリフかもしれないけど、もしかしたらShimada Castle自体が新マップになる可能性も?


Ana Ult Response:

As mentioned in this post. Note the reverb, like in ultimate sounds.

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Genji Strength flows through me!
McCree I’m unstoppable!
Pharah Systems at max!
Reinhardt I feel powerful!


Ana Debuff Response:

Not sure if live, haven’t played on PTR enough:

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Lucio Not feelin’ so hot.
Mercy I’m not feeling my best.
Widowmaker I don’t feel so good.
Zarya I feel… weak.


‘Sorry’ Voice Line:

Haven’t seen this one yet!

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
McCree Sorry ‘bout that.
Pharah My mistake.
Mercy Das tut mir leid.I am sorry.
Widowmaker Désolé.Sorry


Something’s Not Right…:

Hmm, what could it mean?

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Reaper Something’s not right.
Soldier: 76 Something’s not right.
Tracer Something’s not right.


Enemy Is Hiding:

Similar to above, maybe something to incentivize flankers to crouch? Or perhaps just part of some mini-game?

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Genji I sense the presence of the enemy.
McCree Now I can’t see you, but I know you’re there.
Torbjorn Ehh, someone’s lurking over here.


Enemy Detected:

metal gear solid alert sound

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Mercy Enemy detected.
Reinhardt Enemy detected.
Zarya Enemy detected. Be on your guard.



Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Reinhardt Oktoberfest! My favorite time of year! Now where are my lederhosen?
Reinhardt Do I have time for a currywurst? Hmm?



Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Genji My Halloween costume? Cyborg ninja.
Soldier: 76 Trick or treat.
Tracer Ooh, scary!



Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Genji Merry Christmas!
Lucio Happy holidays!
Reinhardt Who’s feeling the holiday spirit?


New Year:

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Zarya S novym godom!Happy New Year
Tracer Who’s ready for some fireworks?



Supposedly played when you sink one. Nothing but net!

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Lucio Oh, from downtown!
Reaper Kobe, eat your heart out.
Reinhardt Just like Dirk Nowitzki! Huehahahahaa!


Some Fresh Blizzard Humor:

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Lucio It’s-a-me, a-Lucio!
Torbjorn Ehh… have you seen my aardvark?


…and lastly this Reinhardt line:

Which I’m rather curious about.

Hero Voice Line (click for audio)
Reinhardt This is no castle… it’s a tomb.



