Xbox Storeで『Helloween Loot Box』の存在が確認されたようです。Sombraと思しき姿のキャンディも見えますね。
画像の能書きを見る限りおそらくSummer Games Loot Boxと仕様は同じかと思います。
Description of the loot box: celebrate halloween with some frightening treats for your heroes during a new event : overwatch halloween terror!
Trick out your collection by picking up halloween loot boxes, availables for a limmited time. Every loot box contains up to four cosmetic items, including at least one halloween skin, highlight intro, emote, victory pose, player icon, voice line , or credits that you can use to unlock other items. more then 100 halloween items are waiting to be unwrapped!
if your halloween loot box contain an item that is already in your collection, you will instead receive coins
*Halloween loot boxes are available to purchase or earn in-game until 11/1/16 at 4pm pt.
“, or credits that you can use to unlock other items. ”
“other”の中にハロウィン限定アイテムが含まれるのであればクレジット購入可能かと思います。Summer Games Boxの時とは明らかに記述が異なるので多分クレジットでもいけそうな予感。