[追記] PTR- Legendary Gemsのアップグレード仕様変更とパッチ解析情報

最新ビルドのパッチノートが上がってこないのでとりまLegendary Gemsのアップグレードに関する仕様変更とfansの解析情報コピペ。昨日のKevinさんのインタビューをfansがまとめてたので追加。

>UrshiがLegendary Gemsのアップグレードを試みる回数が3回になる。*

>アップグレードの成功率はLegendary GemのランクとGreater Riftのレベルに依存する。

>Legendary GemのランクがクリアしたGreater Riftのレベルに近づくにつれて、成功率は減っていく。

>やがてLegendary GemのランクがGreater Riftのレベルを超えると、ランクがGreater Riftのレベルを上回るたびに成功率は半減する。
>>例:もしランク1のLegendary Gemをレベル30のGreater Riftでアップグレードした場合、成功率は100%。しかしLegendary Gemのランクが31になると、レベル30のGreater Riftでの成功率は30%になりランク32になると15%になる。

*いつアップグレードするかは関係なく、Greater Riftランにつき3回アップグレードのチャンスがある。

Legendary Gemのセカンダリ解除がランク25になった(前はランク200)。


New PTR build incoming!

A new build as appeared on the PTR, check out the datamined changes below.

The following is datamined, and may contain errors, please keep this in mind!

Changed Set Bonuses

DiabloFans Quote:

  • Shenlong’s Spirit 2 piece Bonus: Increases Spirit Regeneration by 4 per Second (up from 1).
  • Immortal King’s Call 3 piece Bonus: Gain 500 (up from 289) Life per Fury Spent.
  • Inna’s Mantra 2 piece Bonus: Gain 200 Life per Spirit Spent (up from 124).
  • Monkey King’s Garb 4 piece Bonus: Spending 75 Spirit causes a decoy to spawn that taunts nearby enemies and then explodes for3500% (up from 1600%) weapon damage as Holy.

Legendary Gem Changes

Also reported by users, second passive now unlocks at level 25.

DiabloFans Quote:


Skill Changes

DiabloFans Quote:


  • Weapons Master : Mighty Weapons Fury gained per hit increased to 2 (up from 1).
  • Inspiring Presence : Life regenerated per second increased to 2% of your Maximum Life (up from 1%).
  • Bloodthirst : Healing from each point of Fury spent reduced to 966 Life (down from 3095). Heal amount is increased by 1% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus (down from 4%)
  • Ignore Pain
  • Wrath of the Berserker
    • Thrive on Chaos : Life per Fury spent increased to 5364 (up from 4126).
  • Earthquake
    • Cave-In : Damage is now Physical.
  • Revenge : Damage increased to 300% weapon damage (up from 220%). Healing increased to 4% of your maximum Life per enemy hit (up from 2%).
    • Retribution : Damage increased to 700% weapon damage (up from 480%).
    • Blood Law : Healing increased to 6%^of maximum Life per enemy hit (up from 4%).
  • War Cry
    • Invigorate : Life regenerated increased to 8315 per second (up from 8253).


  • Brooding : Life regenerated increased to 3% of your maximum Life (up from 1.5%).
  • Fan of Knives
    • Bladed Armor : Armor gain increased to 40% (up from 25%). Duration decreased to 6 seconds (down from 10).
  • Marked for Death
    • Grim Reaper : Damage divided evenly among all enemies increased to 20% (up from 15%).
    • Valley of Death : Area marked increased to 15 yards (up from 12 yards). Bonus damage taken by enemies increased to 15% (up from 12%).
    • Death Toll : Life gained by attackers of marked target increased to 3% of their maximum Life (up from 1%).
  • Shadow Power : Life per Hit gained increased to 16093 (up from 12379).
    • Blood Moon : Life per Hit gained increased to 32185 (up from 24758).
  • Companion
    • Boar Companion : Life regeneration given by the boar increased to 5364 per second (up from 4126).
  • Vengeance
    • Side Cannons : Maximum Life regenerated while firing increased to 3% (up from 1.5%)


  • Transcendence : Life per Spirit gained reduced to 429 (down from 1568). Bonus gained from Health Globe Healing Bonus reduced to 0.4% (down from 2%).
  • The Guardian’s Path : Spirit generation while using a two-handed weapon decreased to 15% (down from 35%).
  • Harmony : 40% (up from 30%) of your single elemental resistances from items instead increases your resistance to all elements.
  • Breath of Heaven : Healing increased to 69735 – 91192 (up from 53642 – 70147).
    • Circle of Life : Healing increasedt o 139469 – 182383 (up from 107284 – 140295).
  • Cyclone Strike
  • Serenity
    • Peaceful Repose : Healing increased to 93874 – 120695 Life (up from 56943 – 62101).
    • Tranquility : Damage redirected increased to 120158 (up from 92430).
  • Mantra of Healing : Shield strenght increased to 62064 (up from 47742). Life regeneration bonus increased to 10728 (up from 4126).
    • Sustenance : Life regeneration increased to 21457 (up from 8253).
    • Boon of Inspiration : Life on Hit bonus from Mantra of Healing increased to 3576 (up from 2751).
  • Dashing Strike : Damage increased to 370% weapon damage (up from 305%).
    • Barrage : Damage increased to 975% weapon damage over 2 seconds (up from 750%).
    • Way of the Falling Star : Movement speed gain duration increased to 4 seconds (up from 3).
    • Blinding Speed : Chance to Dodge increased to 40% (up from 29%). Duration increased to 4 seconds (up from 3).
    • Radiance : Attack speed bonus duration increased to 4 seconds (up from 3).
  • Inner Sanctuary
    • Intervene : Shield strenght increased to 107284 (up from 68332).
    • Safe Haven : Healing inside Inner Sanctuary increased to 35779 Life per second (up from 11389).
  • Sweeping Wind : Damage increased to 105% weapon damage (up from 60%). Damage at 3 stacks increased to 315% weapon damage (up from 180%).
    • Blade Storm : Damage per stack increased to 145% weapon damage (up from 85%). Damage at 3 stacks increased to 435% weapon damage (up from 255%).
    • Cyclone : Lightning tornado damage increased to 95% weapon damage (up from 35%).
  • Wave of Light
    • Shattering Light : Bonus weapon damage as Cold in a line increased to 820% (up from 165%).
  • Mystic Ally
    • Enduring Ally : Life per Second increased to 10728 (up from 4126).
  • Blinding Flash
    • Soothing Light : Life regeneration increased to 26821 (up from 11966).
  • Epiphany
    • Soothing Mist : Healing from using abilities increased to 40232 Life (up from 20632).


  • Heal : Healing increased to 193112 Life (up from 148548).
  • Loyalty : Life per second increased to 6437 (up from 4952).
  • Guardian : Healing increased to 182383 Life (up from 140295).




  • Indestructible : Life per Kill increased to 107284 (up from 82526).
  • Vigilant : Life regeneration increased to 2682 (up from 2063).
  • Wrathful : Life per point of Wrath decreased to 1341 (down from 3301). Heal amount from Health Globe Healing Bonus decreased to 1% (downfrom 4)/
  • Renewal : Life from blocking increased to 16093 (up from 12379).
  • Sweep Attack
    • Holy Shock : Life per enemy hit increased to 5364 (up from 2063).
  • Steed Charge
    • Rejuvenation : Maximum Life regenerated increased to 15% (up from 10%).
  • Judgment
    • Penitence : Life per second increased to 2682 (up from 1032).
  • Punish
    • Rebirth : Life regeneration when blocking increased to 12874 (up from 4952).
  • Justice
    • Holy Bolt : Healing increased to 2146 – 3219 Life (up from 1651 – 2476).
  • Provoke
    • Cleanse : Life on Hit gain increased to 1073 (up from 825).
  • Laws of Valor
    • Invincible : Life on Hit gain increased to 21457 (up from 16505).
  • Laws of Hope : Shield strenght increased to 124128 (up from 95483). Passive Life per second increased to 10728 (up from 3714).
    • Faith’s Reward : Life per point of Wrath spent increased to 1073 (up from 825).
  • Laws of Justice
    • Faith’s Armor : Shield strenght increased to 26821 (up from 20632). Duration increased to 5 seconds (up from 3).
  • Consecration : Life per second increased to 32185 (up from 8253).
  • Smite
    • Reaping : Life regeneration bonus icnreased to 6437 (up from 1238).

Tiered Rift Strings

DiabloFans Quote:

  • TieredRiftCompleteNephalem – Nephalem Rift Complete
  • TieredRiftHighChance – The energy of this Greater Rift provides a high chance of upgrading this gem.
  • TieredRiftLowChance – The energy of this Greater Rift may not be enough to upgrade this gem – let us hope for the best.
  • TieredRiftNoChance – The energy of this Greater Rift is not sufficient to even attempt to upgrade this gem.


The developers believe Seasons will bring players back with exclusive legendaries and specific achievements/conquests.

There will be at least one more Patch to the PTR before they release Patch 2.1 (unknown if he was talking about the one released today)

They want to launch Patch 2.1 soon, and anticipate the first season to last about 2 to 3 months.

When asked about how higher difficulties only have monsters with more Life and Damage, he mentioned how Monster AI has been improved in Patch 2.1, with the frequency of use of certain skills changed to make players’ lives harder.

No plans of adding the console “tumble” feature to PC, because some features work better with direct control.

