Patch 2.2.1のパッチノートです。PTR版のパッチノートとまったく同じです。バグ修正、UI変更のみでゲームバランスに関する調整などは入ってません。
Diablo III Patch 2.2.1 – v2.2.1.31666
![Patch 2.2.1 PTR Patch Notes](
Diablo III patch 2.2.1 is now live in the Americas for PC! Check out the full patch notes below to learn all about the latest changes.
PTR PATCH 2.2.1 – v2.2.1.31666
Visit our Bug Report forum for a list of known issues.
If you are experiencing technical issues with the patching process, connecting to after installing the patch, or errors while playing a newly-patched game, please visit our support site or post in the Technical Support forum for assistance.
Table of Contents:
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented some players from receiving the BlizzCon 2014 cosmetic items
(一部のプレイヤーがBlizzCon 2014特典のトランスモグを利用できなかった問題を修正しました)
- Fixed an issue that prevented some players from receiving the BlizzCon 2014 cosmetic items
- Barbarian
- Whirlwind
- Skill Rune – Dust Devils
- Reduced the visual noise caused by these tornadoes
(Dust Devilsによる竜巻のビジュアルノイズを減らしました)
- Reduced the visual noise caused by these tornadoes
- Skill Rune – Dust Devils
- Whirlwind
- Monk
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented Channeling Pylon from removing the cost of Dashing Strike with the Raiment of a Thousand Storms set equipped
(チャネリングパイロンがRaimentセットを装備した状態のDashing Strikeのコストをカットしない問題を修正しました)
- Fixed an issue that prevented Channeling Pylon from removing the cost of Dashing Strike with the Raiment of a Thousand Storms set equipped
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented belts from being able to roll bonus Armor as an affix
(ベルトにArmorをロールすることができない問題を修正しました) - Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent Locust Swarm – Creeping Death damage from being increased by the Zunimassa’s (6) Set bonus
(Locust Swarm – Creeping DeathのダメージにZunimas’s6セットのボーナスが適用されないことがある問題を修正しました) - Fixed an issue that allowed players to equip and use unidentified Legendary Potions
- Fixed an issue that prevented belts from being able to roll bonus Armor as an affix
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented Josh Mosqueira (the rift guardian) from dropping loot
(RGのJosh Mosqueiraがルート品をドロップしない問題を修正しました) - Fixed an issue that allowed The Butcher and Mancarver’s spear attack to be reflected, or slowed(The ButcherとMancarverの槍攻撃が反射またはスロウの影響を受ける問題を修正しました)
- Fixed an issue that prevented players with Illusory Boots equipped from passing through walls created by Orlash
(Illusory Bootsを装備してもOrlashによるwallをすり抜けることができない問題を修正しました)
- Fixed an issue that prevented Josh Mosqueira (the rift guardian) from dropping loot
- The recently added social button will now display how many friends you have online and any clan or communities notifications
(先日追加されたソーシャルボタンにオンライン中のフレンドとクランメンバーの人数、コミュニティ告知が表示されます) - Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Greater Rift Completion screen from being closed using the Close All Windows hotkey
(Greater Rift終了画面を設定したホットキーで閉じることができなかった問題を修正しました) - Seasonal tabs will no longer incorrectly show up on the Achievement and Leaderboard screens when no season is active
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Greater Rift Completion screen from being closed using the Close All Windows hotkey