PTR 2.3 Season Exclusive Items? (Korean Datamine)




種類別にまとめると、Legendary Gem、Migty Weapom、Hand Crossbow、Mojo(Cat Mojo)、Fist Weapon、Belt x2。


Season 4 Exclusive Items

The main attributes:>プライマリ
Auxiliary attributes:>セカンダリ
Rare:>レア度(Weight)で100=Common、50=Uncommon(例:カメオ)、25=Rare(例:毒アミュ)、10=Ultra Rare(例:火アミュ)

Doom’s suffering (Gem)

  • Whenever you attack the enemy, the enemy receives damage from the attack of a hero [1.0+ level of 0.1 per]% increments
  • 25 Rating: Protector cracks and damage to the head, which increased by 25%
  • GemEach attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks by 1.0% (+0.1%/Rank). Gain 25% increased damage against Rift Guardians and bosses. (Requires Rank 25)

The legacy of disgrace (Mighty Weapon)

  • Minimum level 70
  • The main attributes: strength, weapon damage, randomized +2
  • Legend properties: the maximum damage in accordance with the anger that is lost by Sunder [300-400]% increase
  • Auxiliary attributes: a randomized +1
  • Rare 100
  • Smart Drop: barbarian
  • Mighty Weapon
    Cleave deals up to [300-400]% increased damage based on percentage on missing Fury.

The Demon’s Demise (Hand Crossbow)

  • Minimum level 70
  • Key Attributes: second life recovery, agility, randomized +2
  • Legend properties: the wedge trap-sticky trap enemies spread around when the explosion
  • Auxiliary attributes: a randomized +1
  • Rare 100
  • Smart Drop: The Demon Hunter
  • Hand Crossbow
    Spike Trap – Sticky Trap spreads to nearby enemies when it explodes.

    (Spike Trap – Sticky Trapが爆発すると周囲の敵に拡散する)

Henri’s Perquisition (cat amulet) (Mojo) I think this is the cat mojo

  • Minimum level 70
  • The main attributes: damage, intelligence, maximizing the probability, random +2
  • Legend properties: the first time ever to receive damage, the damage [45-60]% reduction was also fascinating for its enemies for 3 seconds
  • Auxiliary attributes: durability decrease ignored, randomized +1
  • Rare 50
  • Smart Drop: Voodoo shaman
  • Mojo
    The first time an enemy deals damage to you, reduce that damage by [45-60]% and Charm the enemy for 3 seconds.

Lion’s Claw (Fist Weapon)

  • Minimum level 34
  • The main attributes: agility, weapon damage, randomized +2
  • Legend attributes: Add the number of attacks in the 7th chilmyeon attack
  • Auxiliary attributes: a randomized +1
  • Rare 100
  • Smart Drop: Monk
  • 不明

Fazula’s Improbable Chain (Belt)

  • Minimum level 33
  • The main attributes: intelligence, random +3
  • Legend attributes: attack speed for each mine overlap, Armor and Resistance 1% increase
  • Auxiliary attributes: a randomized +1
  • Rare 100
  • Smart Drop: Wizard
  • Belt
    Archon stacks also increase your Attack Speed, Armor and Resistances by 1%.

Sacred Harness (Belt)

  • Minimum level 25
  • The main attributes: strength, randomized +3
  • Legend properties: the referee after being cast in the landing position of Wrath cast Sword
  • Auxiliary attributes: a randomized +1
  • Rare 100
  • Smart Drop: Crusader
  • Belt
    Judgment is cast at your landing location when casting Falling Sword.
    (Falling Swordの着地点にJudgmentをキャストする)

