BlizzCon 2日目の情報まとめです。
・Legendary Affixes are being added to existing Legendaries in the future, the goal is for all Legendaries to be worthwhile.
・ look at some new items visuals.
・Sets like Natalya’s and Immortal King’s will be getting a 6-piece bonus in the future.
(Natalya’sやImmortal King’sセットは将来的に6Pセットを追加する。)
・New iteration of the Raiment of a Thousand Storms Set
・2P: The damage of your Spirit Generators is increased by 100%.
・4P: The third hit from your Spirit Generators grants a charge of Dashing Strike and the amount of charges Dashing Strike can store is increased by 5.
(Spirit生成スキルの3段目がヒットするとDashing Strikeが1回分チャージされる。チャージは5回まで貯めることができる。)
・6P: After using Dashing Strike, you Dashing Strike shocks all nearby enemies for 3000% weapon damage as Lightning.
(Dashing Strike使用時に、付近のエネミーに対して武器ダメージ3000%を雷属性で与える。)
・Reworked Skull Grasp (ring) with “Increase the damage of Whirlwind by 441% weapon damage.”
(Skull Grasp (ring)がアップグレードされ”Whirlwindの武器ダメージが441%にアップする”というユニークプロパが付与された。)
・New Belt: Omryn’s Chain with “Drop Caltrops when using Vault.”
(Omryn’s Chainに”Vault使用後にCaltropsが作動する”というユニークプロパが追加された。)
・New Belt: Belt of the Trove with “Every 6 seconds, call down Bombardment on a random nearby enemy.”
(Belt of the Troveに”6秒ごとにBombardmentをランダムで付近のエネミーへ落とす”というユニークプロパが追加された。)
・New Helm: Crown of the Primus with “Slow Time gains the effect of every rune.”
(Crown of the Primusは新しく追加されたレジェンダリで”Slow Timeにすべてのルーンが適用される”というユニークプロパが付いている。)
・New Wizard Set: Delsere’s Magnum Opus
・2P: Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by 1 second.
(Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile, Shock PulseをキャストするとSlow Timeのクールダウンが1秒減少する。)
・4P: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 1250% weapon damage every second.
(Slow Timeのバブル内にいるエネミーに毎秒で武器ダメージ1250%を与える。)
・6P: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 500% more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse abilities.
(Slow Timeのバブル内にいるエネミーにはArcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile, Shock Pulseのダメージが500%増しになる。)
・New Demon Hunter Set: Unhallowed Essence
・2P: Your generators also generate 2 Discipline.
(Hatred生成スキルを使う度に2 Discplineを得る。)
・4P: Gain 40% damage reduction for 4 seconds if an enemy is within 20 yards of you.
・6P: Your generators and Multishot deal 10% increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.
(残っているDiscpline 1ポイントにつき、Hatred生成スキルとMultishotのダメージが10%アップする。)
・New Barbarian Set: Wrath of the Wastes
・2P: Rend lasts three times as long.
・4P: Rend deals triple damage.
・6P: Whirlwind deals tiple damage to enemies affected by your Rend.
・All these are subject to change!
・The Legendary Workshop
・A Legendary Item was designed live on stage with ideas from the community and some members of the audience.
・Chosen idea: A Wizard Source which switches the element it empowers.
・Selects a new element every couple of seconds.
・The selected element deals double or triple damage.
・Empowers Wizard as a master of elements.
・Could be applicable to other classes as well, on form of a different item.
・Community Q&A
・Q: Matchmaking for Public games so that high and low Paragon players are not matched together.
・A: No plans yet. Is not regarded as a crisis yet. Some players might like carrying others.
・Q: Some vanilla items like Witching Hour are still better than anything found on level 70.
(Witching Hourみたいにレガシー版が既存のlvl 70版より高性能なケースがあるんだけど?)
・A: Those affixes will not come to new items, instead new items should get Legendary powers which make them better.
・Q: Double Unity is mandatory for higher solo GR.
・A: Unity is a great item. The problem isn’t that it’s too strong, the problem is that it has no competition. So, make other items just as strong!
・Q: Mighty Weapons feel weaker than other classes’ weapons
(Mighty Weaponsが他のクラスの武器に比べて弱い気が。)
・A: Acknowledged the problem. Mighty Weapons will get cool new powers, just like all other items.