DH Natalya GR54+ build / Unhallowed Essence 6 Guide

Natalya Fire RoV Solo Greater Rift 54+ Build

* ガイドに表示されていない矢筒はDead Man’s Legacyです。

– このビルドはGR54+を狙えるビルドです。Strongarm BracerはRoV-Stampedeとのシナジーで多くのダメージを与えます。

– PPの振りについて、CDRはこのビルドではとても重要です。また、十分なHatredがあればIASも効果的です。

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Natalya GR 54 CLEAR (PATCH 2.2.0 LIVE)

I"ve posted a thread in Diablofans.You can learn something there.Hope you enjoy! Diablofans Thread:http://www.diablofans.com/forums/diablo-iii-class-forums/demon-hunter-the-dreadlands/115764-natalya-ultimate-solo-build-for-54-gr-fire-rov Build:http://www.diablofans.com/builds/54637-natalya-fire-rov-solo-greater-rift-54-build My Profile:http://tw.battle.net/d3/zh/profile/FrozenGhost-1411/hero/30711810

ビデオではエリートをコントロールするためにCompanionをVegeance-Shadow Strike(多分From the Shadowsのこと)に変えています。

これ書いた後にGR55(US Season:1位)クリアした人がビルドあげてました。同じくナタセットビルドです。

Natalias GR55 – #1 DH NA Seasons

Unhallowed Essence 6 End Game Build


There are 2 different builds that have been currently discovered to use. This set is very hard to gear for, compared to M6. I will list both variants out.

Multishot variant

  • Skills:
    • Vault – Tumble
    • Companion – Wolf
    • Preparation – Invigoration
    • Marked for Death – Grim Reaper
    • Your choice between Entangling shot – Chain gang, Elemental Arrow – Frost Shot (with Kridershot only), Evasive Fire – Focus (only if using Iceblink Gem to proc the slow)
      (次のスキルから選択:Entangling shot – Chain Gang, Elemental Arrow – Frost Shot (with Kridershot only), Evasive Fire – Focus(Slow発動させるためにIceblinkを嵌める場合のみ))
    • Multishot – Arsenal
  • Passives:
    • Ballistics
    • Cull of the Weak
    • Steady Aim
    • Awareness for greater rifts, Ambush OR Awareness for t6 rifts or below

Elemental Arrow variant
(Elemental Arrow版)

  • Skills:
    • Vault – Tumble
    • Companion – Wolf
    • Preparation – Invigoration
    • Marked for Death – Mortal Enemy
    • Elemental Arrow – Ball Lightning (with Kridershot only)
    • Multishot – Burst Fire (with the use of the iceblink gem, you can use the slow to proc CotW/BotP)
  • Passives:
    • Steady Aim
    • Cull of the Weak
    • Single Out
    • Awareness for greater rifts, Ambush OR Awareness for t6 rifts or below

End Game Gear

Note: As stated above, this set is much harder to gear for. For Cloak/Quiver/Weapon, they ALL MUST roll 12 discipline. If they do not roll 12 discipline, no matter the stats on the gear, you MUST reroll the secondary to 12 discipline (read the 6 set of UE if you are unfamiliar with why it’s that important)

Note 2: This lists the stats for both the MS and EA variants of this set.

  • Helm – Accursed Visage – Dexterity/Critical Hit Chance/Multishot OR Elemental Arrow Damage/Socket
  • Shoulders – Unsanctified Shoulders – Dexterity/Area Damage/Resource Cost Reduction/Cooldown Reduction
  • Chest – Cage of the Hellborn – Dexterity/Vitality/Hatred Regen/3 Socket, AND 12 Discipline roll
  • Hands – Fiendish Grips – Dexterity/Critical Hit Damage/Critical Hit Chance/Resource Cost Reduction
  • Pants – Unholy Plats Dexterity/Vitality/All Resistance (or Armor if the piece has a secondary resistance already on it)/2 Socket
  • Boots – Hell Walkers – Dexterity/Vitality/All resistance (or armor as stated for above)/Multishot OR Elemental Arrow Damage
  • Belt – Witching Hour – Dexterity/Vitality/Attack Speed/Critical Hit Damage
  • Bracers – Reapers Wraps Your Elemental Damage Bonus/Dexterity/Vitality/Critical Hit Chance
  • Amulet – Hellfire Amulet Dexterity/Critical Hit Damage/Critical Hit Chance/Socket, by far the best amulet for the reasons stated in the M6 section

Note: ANY amulet that rolls the preferred stats already, feel free to reroll the Dexterity off for Your Elemental Damage Bonus. Example: Elemental Damage/Dexterity/Critical Hit Chance/Socket – Reroll Dexterity to Critical Hit Damage and that is a very strong amulet!

  • Ring 1 – Focus – Dexterity/Critical Hit Chance/Critical Hit Damage/Socket
  • Ring 2 – Restraint – Dexterity/Critical Hit Chance/Critical Hit Damage/Socket
  • Main Hand Multishot variant – Any Ancient 2Handed Crossbow – High Damage roll/Dexterity/% Damage/Resource Cost Reduction/Socket AND 12 disc Note: For DH we get to have the ability to craft our BiS (Best in Slot) weapon, the Arcane Barb since no 2hxbows are any good over the other (pretty much), so the Arcane barb is a common item used by DH, because it’s craftable, so it’s much easier to get that item for it to be rolled an ancient with the preferred stats above. So craft Arcane Barbs until you get a good one!
    (Multishot版の武器 – AI 2HXbow – 高ダメージ(Min-Max)、Dex、%Dmg、RCR、ソケット、12MaxDisc。BiSがArcaneBarbなのはAI 2HXbowがクラフト可能なため、理想のスタッツが揃えやすいことから一般的にBiSと言われている)
  • Main Hand Elemental Arrow variant – Kridershot – High Damage roll/Dexterity/% Damage/Resource Cost Reduction/Socket AND 12 disc
    (Elemental Arrow版の武器:省略)

Note: You will need a gift to be able to achieve all these stats, if you get a weapon you deem not giftable, instead of RCR just go for socket as the 4th stat.

Note 2: For DH we get to have the ability to craft our BiS (Best in Slot) weapon since no 2hxbows are any good over the other (pretty much), so the Arcane barb is a common item used by DH, because it’s craftable, so it’s much easier to get that item for it to be rolled an ancient with the preferred stats above. So craft Arcane Barbs until you get a good one!

  • Off Hand Multishot variant – Dead Man’s Legacy Dexterity/Attack Speed/Critical Hit Chance/Resource Cost Reduction (hatred regen is fine too)/Multishot Damage
  • Off Hand Elemental Arrow variant – Meticulous Bolts Dexterity/Attack Speed/Critical Hit Chance/Resource Cost Reduction (hatred regen is fine too)/Elemantal Arrow Damage
    (Elemental Arrow版の矢筒:RCRはHatred回復でもよい)

Legendary gems

  1. Bane of the Trapped – for the reasons above
  2. Zei’s Stone of Vengeance – for the reasons above
  3. Iceblink (Solo) – use Evasive Fire to proc this gem, along with procing BoT/CotW, for groups use Bane of the Powerful or Esoteric Alteration if you prefer a defense gem.
    (ソロ用:Evasive Fireがこのジェムのトリガーになる。そしてBotTとCotWの効果を発動させる。グループではBotPか固めたいならEAを使う)

Paragon Point Priority

  • Primary: Movespeed to 15% (you get 10% from your ferrets if your M6, If UE, then get the full 25%) –> 25/25 Hatred –> Dexterity
  • Offense: Critical Hit Chance (only until you meet 50% Crit, if you only need 1.5% crit in paragon, move to the next priority stat) –> Critical Hit Damage –> Attack Speed (For M6 set only, if UE, Go CDR instead) –> Cooldown Reduction
  • Defense: All Resistance –> % Life –> % Armour –> Regen
  • Utility: Resource Cost Reduction –> Area Damage –> Life on Hit –> Gold Find


