



WoW: Legion Digital Deluxe Edition特典

Overwatch Origins Edition特典

  • There’s a new larger zone, the Greyhollow Island (accessible via Act V), featuring 16 new monsters.
    新規大型ゾーンのGreyhollow IslandはAct5経由。16の新モンスターを追加。
  • Bone Breakers, a Sasquatsch types, throwing rocks at you.
  • Glowing Death, a Wasp Nest which releases vanilla wasps is you get too close
  • There are over 175 new Bounties split between Acts 3, 4, and 5, some of which will be based off of new Events and Bounty Grounds
    Act3~5に計175以上の新バウンティを追加。いくつかは新しいイベントやBounty Groundsから成っている。
  • Bounty Grounds are accessible via a small portal that leads to one of 6 small worlds
    Bounty Groundsは新しいタイプのバウンティで、6つある小さなワールドのひとつにポータルを通り行くことなにある。
  • One of these features 6 Cursed Shrines which you have to click
    その中のひとつはモンスターが攻撃する中で6つのCursede Shrinesをクリックするというもの。
  • Another one features a lot of Cursed Shrinesyou need to kill, but there are a lot of Fallen in the way
    また、多くのFallenが邪魔する中でCursed Shrinesを倒していく(→そのモンスターを倒してクリックする)ものもある。
  • There are more timed events that require you to kill monsters quickly.
  • Inna’s Monks buffs are now placed in a buff holder that expands only on overmouse, just like other long-term buffs from other players
  • There should still be an incentive to group, since Diablo is first and foremost a multiplayer game
  • Monster Health for smaller groups and solo players is being reduced
  • Experience Gear’s effectiveness will be reduced by a factor of 10
  • To compensate, monster XP is being increased across the board
  • The Gold cost will scale with the GR level, a GR 50 will cost about 50 million gold, a GR 75 will cost 540 million gold.
    Empowered RiftsのゴールドコストはGRのランクで変わる。50で50M、75で540M。
  • New Cube Recipe: Permanently upgrade an Encient Items by sacrificing a Legendary Gem and a regular Gem. It will add 5 of the corresponding main stat per rank of the Legendary Gem that you used.
    キューブの新レシピ:通常とレジェンダリジェムを犠牲にすることで、AIをアップグレードできる。ジェムランクごとに5ポイントがメインスタッツに追加される(ランク50なら+250でジェムカラーに応じてSTR, DEX, INT, VITになると思われ)。
  • Damage numbers are now shortened with “k”, “M”, or “B”
  • Also, your highest damage numbers will now be displayed in orange and linger a little longer
  • There will be an indicator for having Cubed legendary powers.
  • Death’s Breath will get its own unique color (teal) and a new particle effect to be more noticeable
    Death’s Breathの表示カラーとエフェクトが新たに追加されている。
  • You can now compare follower items
  • New Monk Belt: Sweeping Winds gains stack when you’re not dealing damage.
    モンク新ベルト:ダメージを与えてない時(間?)はSweeping Windのスタックが増える。
  • New Barb Might Weapon: coming soon
    馬場の新しいMigthy Weaponを追加。
  • New WD Mojo: Vile Hive: Locust Swarm gains the effect of the Pestilence Rune
    WD新モジョ:Locust SwarmにPestilenceのルーンが適用される。
  • New Wiz item: Energy Twister damage increase depending on the number of twisters you have out
    新ウィズアイテム:Energy Twisterのダメージがアクティブになっている竜巻の数で増加する。
  • Redesigned Thorns of the Invoker Set:
    • 2p: Your Thorns damage now hits al enemies in a 15 yard radius around you. Each time you hit an enemy with Punish, Slash, or block an attack you Thorns is increased by 50% for 2 seconds.
      Thornsダメージが15ヤード以内のエネミー全てにヒットする。Punish, Slashがヒット、もしくは攻撃をブロックする度にThornsダメージが2秒間、50%増える。
    • 4p: You take 50% less damage for 8 seconds after casting Bombardment.
    • 6p: The attack speed of Punish and Slash are increased by 50% and deal 600% of your Thorns damage on the first enemy hit.
  • Redesigned Shadow’s Mantle Set:
    • 2p While equipped with a melee weapon, all damage is increased by 1000%.
    • 4p: Shadow Power gains the effect of every rune and lasts forever.
      Shadow Powerに全てのルーンが適用される。また、効果時間が永続する。
    • 6p: Impale deals an additional 40,000% weapon damage to the first enemy hit.
  • Redesigned Legacy of Nightmares Set:
    • From panel: While this is your only Item Set bonus, your damage dealt is increased by 75% and damage taken is reduced by 4% for every Ancient items you have equipped.
    • From website: While this is your only Item Set bonus, every Ancient item you have equipped increases your damage dealt by 800% and reduces your damage taken by 4%. (probably the incorrect one)
  • There are Tomes with clues as to where the dungeon portal is located

  • Season 4 will end in late December.
  • Season 5 will be 3 months long, which might be the go-to Season length from now on.
  • Every Season Journey that you play will give you a new Stash Tab, for up to 10 tabs, the first of which will be available right away with 2.4.
  • The devs are happy with Ramaladni’s Gift RNG, to make them feel special
  • The Server Slam a few weeks back helped develop optimizations to reduce lag, though none of them are live yet
  • No plans to differentiate pet damage
  • 上記にあるキューブを使ったAIのアップグレードレシピはそれ以前の性能に上書きされる形になるのでスタッツを重ねることはできない。

  • New WD Bracers: Lakumba’s Ornament – Reduce damage taken by 5% for every Soul Harvest stack
    WD新ブレイサー:Soul Harvestのスタックごとにダメージを5%軽減する。
  • Jade Set rework:
    • 2p: Haunt deals damage worth of 120 seconds if the target is already Haunted.
    • 4p: Soul Harvest gains the effect of every Rune; reduce Cooldowns by 1 second every time you cast Sould Harvest or Locust.
      Soul Harvestに全てのルーンが適用される。Soul Harvest(Hauntの間違いと思われ)かLocustをキャストする度にCDが1秒減る。
    • 6p: When you cast Soul Harvest, consume all DoTs  and deal 300 seconds worth of their damage.
      Soul Harvestをキャストすると全ての残存DoTダメージがすぐに消費され、300秒分のダメージを与える。
  • New DH Belt: When you cast Impale, Vault for free for 2 seconds
  • New DH Dagger: Lord Greenstone’s Fan – Gain a charge every second that increases Fan of Knives damage by 250-300%. Up to 30 charges
    DH新ダガー:毎秒チャージがスタックし、スタックごとにFan of Knivesのダメージが250-300%増える。
  • New Barb Ring: Ring of Might – After casting Furious Charge, Ground Stomp, or Leap, take 60% less damage for 8 seconds
    馬場新リング:Furious Charge, Ground Stomp, Leapをキャストした後は8秒間、ダメージを60%カットする。
  • New Barb Weapon: Blade of the Tribes – War Cry and Threatening Shout cause an Avalanche and an Earthquake
    馬場新武器: War CryとThreatening ShoutがAvalancheとEarthquakeを引き起こす。
  • Redesigned Heart of Iron (Crusader only?): Gains Thorns equal to 200% of your Vitality
    Heart of Iron(クルセ専用?)を再調整:VITの200%分がThornダメージに反映される。
  • Topaz in weapon give up to 20,000 Thorns damage
  • New Crus item: Omnislash – Slash attacks in all direction
  • New Legendary Gem: Plague of Thorns – Adds Thorn damage, Taunt first enemy hit by your Primary Skills for 2 seconds
  • New Set: Endless Walk
    • While moving, damage taken is reduced by up to 50%
    • While standing still, damage dealt is increased by up to 100%
    • You gain and lose stacks as you transition between moving and standing still.
  • Redesigned Akkhan Set 6p: Increases damage by 450% (while Akarat’s Champion is active?).
  • New DH Sword: Sword of Ill Will – Chakram does 1.0-1.4% more damage per point of Hatred.
  • New DH Melee Weapon: Karlei’s Point – Impale return 15 Hatred if it hits a target that’s already impaled.
  • New DH Ring: Elusive Ring – Gain 60% damage reduction for 8 seconds after using Smoke Screen, Shadow Power, or Vault
    DH新リング:Smoke Screen, Shadow Power, Vaultをキャストした後の8秒間はダメージを60%カットする。
  • Redesigned Reakor’s Set
    • 2p: Furious Charge refunds a charge if it hits one enemy
      Furious Chargeがエネミー1体にヒットした時は1チャージが回復する。
    • 4p: Furious Charge gains the effect of every rune and does 400% more damage
      Furious Chargeに全てのルーンが適用される。ダメージが400%増加する。
    • 6p: Every use of Furious Charge increases the damage of the next Fury spending attack by 300%. Stacks. Every Fury Spending attack consumes up to 5 charges.
      Furious Chargeを使う度に次のFury消費スキルのダメージが300%増加する。スタックする?Fury消費スキルで攻撃するごとに最大5チャージを消費する(チャージ=スタック?)。
  • Redesigned Firebird’s Set
    • 2p: If character dies, a Meteor will fall from the sky to revive them (60 seconds cooldown)
    • 4p: Dealing Fire damage causes the enemy to take the same amount of Fire damage over 3 seconds, stacking up to 3000% damage per second. After reaching 3000% damage per second, the enemy will burn until they die
    • 6p: Gain 100% bonus damage for every burning enemy, 1500% for every burning Elite.
  • New WD Weapon: Sacred Harvester – Soul Harvest stack to 10
    WD新武器:Soul Harvestが最大10スタックする。
  • New WD Ring: Ring of Empitness – Deal 100% extra damage to enemies affected by Haunt and Locust
  • In Season 5 you will be guaranteed a 6 piece set – the Monk gets Sunwuko Set guaranteed.





  • Uliana’s Set Dungeon Objectives:
    • Kill 200 Monsters without taking fatal damage.
    • Kill 21 different enemies at once with exploding palm 0 / 3
    • Take no fire damage for the duration of the dungeon.
    • Mastery – Kill all monsters and complete all objectives within time limit.
  • Firebird’s Finery Set Dungeon Objectives:
    • Kill 355 Monsters without taking fatal damage.
    • Kill 45 enemies on fire within 3 seconds 0 / 3
    • Kill enemies with the Meteor that revives you 0 / 20
    • Mastery – Kill all monsters and complete all objectives within time limit.
  • 死ぬのではなくて、あくまでも致命傷。よってこのモードでHCキャラクターをロストすることはない。
  • プライマリオブジェクトを1つクリアすればゴールできるが、Masteryは時間内に全オブジェクトを達する必要がある。コスメティックリワードを得るためにはMasteryが条件になる模様。

