[追記・訂正] ノンシーズンのリーダーボードワイプについて、その他公式情報まとめ




Q: When does Season 2 start?
A: While we don’t yet have a date to announce for Season 2, we will be notifying the community of the end of Season 1 no less than 30 days in advance. Season 2 should start shortly thereafter. Stay tuned for more information in the future!

Q: How long will Season 2 last?
A: While we don’t have a specific time frame to share at this time, we’ve heard a lot of feedback on the length of Season 1. We’ll be taking this feedback into consideration going forward.

Q: When are the Leaderboards being wiped for Season 1?
A: Leaderboards will be cleared once Season 1 comes to a close. We will be notifying players no less than 30 days in advance of when this will occur. While the leaderboards will be cleared, they will be preserved both in-game and here on our website if you wish to review your Season 1 accomplishments.

Q: When are the non-Seasonal Leaderboards being wiped?
A: Non-Seasonal Leaderboards are tied to what we call “Eras.” We have not yet determined when the end of our first Era will be, but we currently anticipate it coinciding with changes for the next Season. We’ll provide an update when we announce an end date for Season 1.



– シーズン先行レジェンダリとその他のシーズン特典について


この3つのうち完全な新作はRanslor’s Folly”のみで、“Wormwood”と“Gungdo Gear”は既存のレジェンダリをアップグレードしたものです。この他にもシーズン2のプレビュー画面に弓らしき新レジェンダリが確認できます。


シーズン特典にはトランスモグに加えてシーズン2から限定のバナーセットが追加されます(Shape, Pattern, Sigil, and Accent)。


100 Points: Shape
200 Points: Pattern
300 Points: Accent
400 Points: Sigil


[追記・訂正] BlizzCon 2014 D3 初日情報まとめ

