[追記・訂正] BlizzCon 2014 D3 初日情報まとめ

BlizzCon 2014の初日で明らかになった新情報のまとめです(Diablofans)。昼間書いた記事はいくつか間違いがあったので削除・訂正しています。あと、プレゼンテーションの動画も追加しました。



「シーズン2の概要や新トレジャーゴブリン、エンシェント級アイテムなど「Diablo III」BlizzConパネル情報総まとめ」

・Patch 2.1.2

・Will have a PTR.

・Rip december release, see you in a couple of months S2

New Goblins

・The Gem Hoarder: Silver, drops gems

・The Odious Collector: Green, drops crafting materials

The Blood Thief: Red, drops Blood Shards

・Improved Goblin AI: Will now seek out other enemies

・Adventure Mode changes

・Rifts / Greater Rifts

・Monster Density: Will be increased for regular monsters and Elites where it is currently low.

・Death Penalty in GR: You will now be able to revive at your corps but will get a stacking time penalty.


・Pacing and mosters in them are being looked at.

・In the current internal build, all monsters can be knocked around.
(現在の内部ビルドでは全てのモンスターがvoretexやknock backの影響を受けるようになった)

・Progression in Trials should be more persistent in terms of damage taken.

・Layout changes

・Tilesets which were formerly fixed will get a more flexible layout. Examples: The Oasis, the Spider Caves, and Leoric’s Jail, others will follow later (see below).
(マップの構成などが固定だったエリアのレイアウトがフレキシブルになる。例:The Oasis, the Spider Caves, and Leoric’s Jailなど。以下参照)

・Dead ends and loops should be much shorter (5 seconds max)

・Rift Guardians: Will be revisited to become equally challenging but still unique.
(Rift Guardians: 難易度が均等化するように再調整するが、独自性は失わせないようにする)


・Conduit is not getting removed for now.

・Other Pylons are instead buffed. Speed Pylons ignore collision and last for a minute. Shield Pylons reflect damage and explode on tomeout.

・Pylon density should be more uniform with 2-4 appearing per Rift.

・Town Hubs

・Act I artisans are now much closer together.
(Act Iのレイアウトを変更して職人をひとまとめに配置)


Ancient Items

・New Tier of Legendary and Set items.

・Intended for players who have already completed their class Sets and are otherwise satisfied with their gear.

・Drop in Torment I and above, the higher the difficulty the higher the chance. Currently at 5-10% on T6 or equivalent GR.
(Torment I 以上でドロップし難易度が高いほどドロップしやすい。現時点ではT6またはそれ相当のGRではレジェンダリの5~10%がこのアイテムになる模様)

・Up to 30% better in attributes.

・Currently seems to affect most stats, with Crit Chance, Crit Damage and other percentage-based stats being the exceptions.

・Example items: Wand of Woh, Vile Ward, Lut Socks, Firebird’s Plume, Cindercoat, Sunwuko’s Paws, Reaper’s Wraps, Maximus

・New Items

Ranslor’s Folly: Wrists. Energy Twister periodically pulls in an enemy withing 30 yards. An enemy can only be pulled in this way once every 5 seconds.
(Energy Twisterが定期的に30ヤード内にいるエネミー1体を吸い込む。エネミーを吸い込むのは5秒に1回)

・Reworked Items

・Wormwood: Rolls +Poision Damage. Locust Swarm deals continous damage. (Casts automatically)
(+Poision Damageが常に付く。Locust Swarmが定期的にダメージを与える。スキルキャストの必要はなし)

New Legendary Gems

・Esoteric Alteration: Gain 30% non-Physical damage reduction. Rank 25 Bonus: While below 50% Life, your resistances are increased by 75%.

・Molten Wildebeest’s Gizzard: Regenerates 50,000 Life per Second. Rank 25 Bonus: After not taking damage for 4 seconds, gain an absorb shield for 200% of your Life per Second.

・Numbers are subject to change.

Season 2


・Only some Conquests will make a return, for example “Reach GR30″ or Speed Racer.
(いくつかのコンクエストが復活。”Reach GR30” or Speed Racerなど)

・The “Reach level 70” Conquest will be dropped.
(”Reach level 70″のコンクエストは廃止)

New Conquests

・Get a 50,000,000 gold stream outside of the Vault

・Kill [List of Bosses] within 20 minutes of starting a game.

・Collect [List of Lore Books].
(リストにあるLore Booksを集める)

・Adventure Mode

・Will be unlocked from the start again.

・This might change for later Seasons, though.

・Will feature Leg and Feet Transmogrification reward. Season 3 will have the Chest and Hands.

・New Zone: Ruins of Sescheron

・Sescheron: Barbarian capital city from the Diablo II LoD opening cinematic. Now only ruins and buried Barabrians.
(Diablo IIのオープニングムービーで登場したバーバリアンの首都。現在は廃墟でバーバリアンによって埋葬されている)

・Located near Arreat Crater in Act III.
(場所はAct 3の Arreat Crater近辺)

・Will contain new monsters (see below).

・Very trap-heavy (exhibit A, exhibit B).

・New Monsters

Naja Beetles: Swarmers that shoot fire projectiles.

Magotts: Swarmers which release an ice explosion on death.

Glowing Death: Sand Wasp variation which erupts from glowing nests.
(Sand Waspの亜種で巣から飛び出してくる)

・Yeti monsters will be making a comeback, too. Currently only concept art.

・New Rift Guardian: The Rat King

・Spawns rats from his back.

・Summons rat-tornadoes.

Entraps you in a circular area.

・”And more!”

・General Information / philosophy:

・Legendary Gem usage is currently very uneven: 3 Gems make up nearly 50% of all gems used while others are hardly being touched. Adding more Legendary Gems and Items should change this.
(Legendary Gemの使用頻度は偏っている。3つのジェムが全体の約半数を占め、残りのものはあまり使われていない。更にLegendary Gemの追加とアイテムの追加でこの偏りを変えたい)

・Randomness shouldn’t dictate success or failure but instead provide a varied experience. This is the goal Blizzard are working towards.

・More items will be shown tomorrow, also “something special”.

・Fishing for certain GR layouts or monsters is being looked into and changes to the level generation should help minimize/nullify its effects.

・Act IV, V monsters are being looked at for this reason, too.
(上記の理由から鬱陶しAct IV, Vのモンスターの処遇を検討中)

・Things that aren’t being commented/announced on (from QnA):

・Uber Diablo.

・Changing item rarity colors.

・Cash shop for stash space or character slots.

・Other new zones.

・A second expansion.


・Actually was commented on: Not likely to make a full comeback as it can destroy the reward loop of the game, like the AH did.

・Some types of trading might make it into the game at some point though, the console version’s gift system mentioned.

・Seasons for consoles

・Offline capabilities don’t really allow those

・Crafting system similar to Diablo II’s Rune system.
(Diablo IIのRuneシステムに似たクラフトシステムについて)

・But they’re looking for a similar system in spirit, allowing for more customization and using rare materials.

・Off-Stage info:

・New Armor Sets (from press kit)



・2P: Rend deals 300% more damage.

・4P: Rend lasts 300% longer.

・6P: Targets affected by Rend take +300% Whirlwind damage.

Demon Hunter:

・2P: Gain 2 Discipline every time you use a Hatred Generator.
(Hatred生成スキルを使う度に2 Discplineを得る)

・4P: Take 20% less damage if there are enemies within 40 yards.

・6P: Every point of Discipline you currently have increases the damage of your Hatred Generators and Multishot by 10%.
(残っているDiscpline 1ポイントにつき、Hatred生成スキルとMultishotのダメージが10%アップ)

Wizard: Fierce Set

・2P: Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile, and Shock Pulse reduce the cooldown of Slow Time by 1 second.
(Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile, and Shock PulseをキャストするとSlow Timeのクールダウンが1秒減少)

・4P: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 1250% weapon damage every second.
(Slow Timeのバブル内にいるエネミーに毎秒で武器ダメージ1250%を与える)

・6P: Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 500% more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse.
(Slow Timeのバブル内にいるエネミーにはArcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulseのダメージが500%増しになる)

・New area: Ruins of Sescheron (old Barbarian capital, now snowy ruins) along with new monster types. (from playable demo)
Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2

・New Rift Guardian: Rat King. (from playable demo)

・New types of Treasure Goblins, some of which drop Blood Shards, others gems and others again drop crafting materials and plans. (from playable demo)

・Legendary item changes: (from playable demo/press kit)

Wormwood: Locust Swarm deals continous damage.
(Locust Swarmが継続的にダメージを与える)

Gungdo Gear: Exploding Palm’s on-death explosion applies Exploding Palm.
(Exploding Palmの効果で生じた爆発にExploding Palmの効果が適用される)

・Sunwuko Set:

・2P: Casting Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush or Wave of Light causes a decoy to spawn that taunts nearby enemies and then explodes for 1000% weapon damage.
(Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush or Wave of Lightをキャストすると挑発効果のある囮が出現。その後に武器ダメージ1000%で爆発する)

・4P: Enemies hit by the decoy explosion take 500% from your Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush or Wave of Light abilities for 3 seconds.
(上記デコイの爆発を受けたエネミーは3秒間、本人によるCyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush or Wave of Lightのダメージが500%になる)

・New Item: Crown of the Primus: Slow Time gains the effect of every rune.
(Slow Timeに全てのルーンが適用される)

・New item: Ranslor’s Folly: Wrists, Energy Twister periodically pulls in an enemy withing 30 yards. An enemy can only be pulled in this way once every 5 seconds.
(Energy Twisterが定期的に30ヤード内にいるエネミーを1体吸い込む。エネミーを吸い込むのは5秒に1回)

・New Seasonal Transmogs: Feet, Legs


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