Patch 2.2.1 PTRのパッチノートです。パッチ内容はバグ修正に関するものとなっています。
![Patch 2.2.1 PTR Patch Notes](
Patch 2.2.1 is currently in development and now available for testing on the PTR. For more information on how to access the PTR and use the Character Copy system, click here.
PTR PATCH 2.2.1 – v2.2.1.31666
To provide feedback on patch 2.2.1, please visit the PTR Feedback forum.
To report any issues you experience while playing, please visit the the PTR Bug Report forum.
For additional information about the PTR, click here.
Table of Contents:
- Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused some Experience bonuses to be added together rather than being multiplied
Fixed an issue that caused some sources of bonus Experience to be added together prior to being multiplied by other Experience bonuses rather than being multiplicative
(一部の経験値ボーナスが、他の経験値ボーナスによって乗算されるべき前に、乗算ではなく加算されていた問題を修正しました)- Fixed an issue that prevented some players from receiving the BlizzCon 2014 cosmetic items
(一部のプレイヤーがBlizzCon 2014特典のトランスモグを利用できなかった問題を修正しました)
- Barbarian
- Whirlwind
- Skill Rune – Dust Devils
- Reduced the visual noise caused by these tornadoes
(Dust Devilsによる竜巻のビジュアルノイズを減らしました)
- Reduced the visual noise caused by these tornadoes
- Skill Rune – Dust Devils
- Whirlwind
- Monk
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented Channeling Pylon from removing the cost of Dashing Strike with the Raiment of a Thousand Storms set equipped
(チャネリングパイロンがRaimentセットを装備した状態のDashing Strikeのコストをカットしない問題を修正しました)
- Fixed an issue that prevented Channeling Pylon from removing the cost of Dashing Strike with the Raiment of a Thousand Storms set equipped
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented belts from being able to roll bonus Armor as an affix
(ベルトにArmorをロールすることができない問題を修正しました) - Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent Locust Swarm – Creeping Death damage from being increased by the Zunimassa’s (6) Set bonus
(Locust Swarm – Creeping DeathのダメージにZunimas’s6セットのボーナスが適用されないことがある問題を修正しました) - Fixed an issue that allowed players to equip and use unidentified Legendary Potions
- Fixed an issue that prevented belts from being able to roll bonus Armor as an affix
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented Josh Mosqueira (the rift guardian) from dropping loot
(RGのJosh Mosqueiraがルート品をドロップしない問題を修正しました) - Fixed an issue that allowed The Butcher and Mancarver’s spear attack to be reflected, or slowed(The ButcherとMancarverの槍攻撃が反射またはスロウの影響を受ける問題を修正しました)
- Fixed an issue that prevented players with Illusory Boots equipped from passing through walls created by Orlash
(Illusory Bootsを装備してもOrlashによるwallをすり抜けることができない問題を修正しました)
- Fixed an issue that prevented Josh Mosqueira (the rift guardian) from dropping loot
- The recently added social button will now display how many friends you have online and any clan or communities notifications
(先日追加されたソーシャルボタンにオンライン中のフレンドとクランメンバーの人数、コミュニティ告知が表示されます) - Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Greater Rift Completion screen from being closed using the Close All Windows hotkey
(Greater Rift終了画面を設定したホットキーで閉じることができなかった問題を修正しました) - Seasonal tabs will no longer incorrectly show up on the Achievement and Leaderboard screens when no season is active
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Greater Rift Completion screen from being closed using the Close All Windows hotkey