[Overwatch] バスティオンを倒すためにはどれだけの攻撃が必要か?


Ironcladで強化されたセントリーバスティオンを倒すために一体どれだけの攻撃が必要なのか?TwinfiniteのライターであるCollin MacGregor氏がまとめてくれました。


  • Genji
    • 21 Shurikens
    • 4 Dragonblade Strikes
  • Reaper
    • 5 Hellfire Shotgun Rounds(5射撃分)
    • Death Blossom
      • However, unless it’s point blank he can heal through this and survive.(ただし、至近距離で撃たない限り自己回復で生き延びる)
  • Pharah
    • 4 – 5 Rockets
    • Barrage
      • However, unless it’s point blank he can heal through this and survive
  • McCree
    • 7 Peacekeeper Rounds
    • High Noon takes 2.91 seconds to kill(ロックオンまで2.91秒)
  • Soldier 76
    • 27 Rounds
    • 4 Helix Rockets
    • Tactical Visor
  • Sombra
    • 86 Machine Pistol Rounds
  • Tracer
    • 120 Rounds (three clips)(合計3マグ必要)
    • Ultimate + 20 Rounds
      • Bastion can survive a direct hit from her Ultimate with no follow ups.(直接貼り付けても追撃しない限り生き延びる)
  • Hanzo
    • 4 Arrows at Full Draw(フルチャージで4発)
    • Dragonstrike
      • However, unless it’s point blank, Bastion can heal through this and survive.
  • Junkrat
    • 4 Grenades
    • RIP Tire
  • Mei
    • 7 Icicles
  • Bastion
    • 30 Rounds (Recon Configuration)
    • 120 Rounds (Sentry Configuration)
    • 3 Rounds ( Tank Configuration)
  • Torbjorn
    • 7 Rounds (Primary)
    • 5 Rounds (Alt)
    • Bastion can heal through both level 1 and 2 turrets(自己回復によりタレットによる攻撃を生き延びる)
    • Molten Core Level 3 Turret
  • Widowmaker
    • 4 Fully Charged Rounds(100%チャージ4発)
  • D.Va
    • 5.8 Seconds of sustained fire at close range(至近距離で5.8秒間撃ち続ける)
    • Self Destruct
  • Reinhardt
    • 7 Hammer Hits
  • Roadhog
    • 4  Rounds – Close Range (Primary)
    • 3 Rounds – Mid Range (Alt)
    • Whole Hog
      • However, unless it’s point blank, Bastion can heal through this and survive.
  • Zayra
    • 120 Rounds at Low Charge
    • 75 Rounds at High Charge
  • Winston
    • 200 Rounds
    • 13 Primal Rage Hits
      • However, Bastion can heal through this and survive.(ただし、自己回復で生き延びる)
  • Ana
    • 7 Biotic Rifle Rounds
  • Lucio
    • 40 Sonic Amplifier Rounds
  • Mercy
    • 28 Caduceus Gun Rounds
  • Symmetra
    • 7.6 Seconds of Sustained Beam Damage(7.6秒間当て続ける)
    • 4 Fully Charged Rounds
  • Zenyatta
    • 11 Orbs of Destruction (Without Dischord)(不和なし)
    • 8 Orbs of Destruction (With Dischord)(不和あり)







