BlizzCon 2014 D3 追加情報


– incgamers, somepage

・This could be a controversial question. One problem people have in Diablo is character and stash space. Can we buy more inventory space or character space in Diablo 3?

Will we have a store to sell more stash space? Everyone wants that. Not specifically the store aspect, but we’re always discussing the issue of more space. And if we give you more you want more, and more and more and eventually all the internet is your items.
We think about it and we want to address it, but nothing to say now.

・I know you probably can’t answer this, but are we getting another expansion.

We can’t answer that question. But we can promise more awesome stuff in patches.

・Trial Rifts. In Greater Rifts you want the Guardian to be fair for everyone. But do you plan on tweaking Trial Rifts since there are monsters that are very unbalanced.

There are changes to trials coming, they’ll be on the PTR soon. We’re looking at the pacing of mosntes in trials. Just last week we changed so all monsters can be vortexed or knocked back. So you can use your Raekor’s sEt and such.
(トライアルはPTRで変わることになる。モンスターのペースについても調整している。先週は全てのモンスターがvoretexやknock backの影響を受けるように変更した。だから、Raekor’s setなんかの装備を生かすことができる。)

・How rare are the Ancient Items (upgraded legendaries).

Currently we’re looking at a bout 5-10% chance for a legendary item to be Ancient. I think it starts at 1.5% on T1, and scales up to about 10% on T6. Rift level affects it also.

・Any other new zones?

Nothing else to announce at this time.

・Uber Diablo (like in Diablo II?
(Diablo IIに出てきたUber Diablo(Diablo Clone)は実装されないの?)

We haven’t built one yet, thus far we’ve focused on new monsters, but it’s been talked about.

・Change the drop color of items?

No current plans.

・Ancient Items can appear from any source, including Kadala gambling, monster/chest drops, Horadric Caches, and even crafting.

– reddit

・They don’t want to pull the trigger on restricting paragon in games yet.

・More 6 piece bonuses will lead to less emphasis on RoRG, along with better rings for everyone.

・More detailed Tooltips were attempted, but need more time and work due to technical limitations.

・Greater Rifts 26+ will be tuned down.

・Health globes might be tuned down in the future.

・Travis apparently wants to make twinking more fun than it is now.
*Travis Dayはユーザー目線でフォーラムでも割りと評判の良い開発スタッフらしいです。

