2.3.0 PTRデータ解析情報(キューブ機能、スキル、セット、アイテム等)



Cursed Realmsは引き続き内部テスト中で2.3.0にも収録されてません。Kanai’s Cubeでアイテムレベルをプレイヤーのレベルまで引き上げる機能も予期しない問題が発生したらしくこのパッチからは外されています。


Kanai’s Cube Information

Kanai’s Cubeで利用できるクラフティングなどの機能だと思います。 見たことない素材名はおそらくAct限定の素材かと。

  • Extract Legendary Power –  Archive of Tal Rasha(ユニークパワー付きのレジェンダリからパワーを抜き取る)
    • 1x Legendary Item with Special Power
    • 1x Khanduran Rune
    • 1x Caldeum Nightshade
    • 1x Arreat War Tapestry
    • 1x Corrupted Angel Flesh
    • 1x Westmarch Holy Water
    • 5x Death’s Breath
  • Reforge Legendary  – Law of Kulle(レジェンダリをreforge(鍛え直す)ということらしいけど詳細不明)
    • 1x Legendary Item
    • 5x Khanduran Rune
    • 5x Caldeum Nightshade
    • 5x Arreat War Tapestry
    • 5x Corrupted Angel Flesh
    • 5x Westmarch Holy Water
    • 50x Forgotten Soul
  • Upgrade Rare Item – Hope of Cain(Lvl70のレア装備をアップグレードするらしいけどこれも詳細不明)
    • 1x Rare Equippable Level 70 Item
    • 25x Death’s Breath
    • 50x Reusable Parts
    • 50x Arcane Dust
    • 50x Veiled Crystal
  • Convert Set Item – Skill of Nilfur(セットアイテムを何に変えるのかは不明)
    • 1x Set Item
    • 10x Death’s Breath
    • 10x Forgotten Soul
  • Remove Level Requirement – Work of Cathan(アイテムの装備要求レベルをなくす)
    • 1x Equippable Item
    • 1x Rank 25+ Gem of Ease
  • Convert Crafting Materials – Anger of Iben Fahd(クラフト素材を別の素材に変える。PHは暫定)
    • 100x [PH] White, Blue, or Yellow Crafting Material
    • 1x Non Legendary Equippable Item
    • 1x Death’s Breath
  • Upgrade Item to Player’s Level – The Time of Radament(アイテムレベルをプレイヤーのレベルまでアップグレードする)
    • Removed from game
  • Convert Gems – Darkness of Radament(ジェムを別の色のジェムに変える)
    • 9x Any Gem
    • 1x Any of the five act bounty reagents
  • Open Portal to Greed Realm(ゴブリンランドのポータルを開ける)
    • 1x Puzzle Ring
    • 1x Any Item
  • Open Portal to Not A Cow Level(モーモー牧場(多分リフトじゃなくて3周年イベントのやつ)のポータルを開ける)
    • 1x Bovine Bardiche
    • 1x Any Item
  • Open Portal to Whimseyshire  – Recipe of Impossibility(メルヘンランドのポータルを開ける)
    • No data

Heroes of the Storm Promotion




New Portrait Frames


  • Chantodo’s Resolve [Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [Every time you hit with an attack while not in Archon form, 350% weapon damage is added to the Wave of Destruction, stacking up to 20 times.]
      (Archon状態でない時に攻撃がヒットするとWave of Destruction(Archon時に使うDisintegration Waveのこと?)に武器ダメージ350%を追加。スタックは最大20回)
  • Shenlong’s Spirit [Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [When reaching maximum Spirit, all damage is increased by 300%, but you no longer passively regenerate Spirit and 65 Spirit is drained every second until you run out of Spirit.]
  • Manajuma’s Way [ Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [Your Hex – Angry Chicken lasts 15 seconds and movement speed as a chicken is increased by an additional 100%.]
      (Hex – Angry Chickenが15秒持続。ニワトリ時の移動スピードが100%増加。)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt
    • 2 Pieces: Now the cooldown of your Fetish Army is reduced by 80% also
      (Fetish Armyのクールダウンを80秒減る。+現行のボーナス?)
  • Vyr’s Amazing Arcana [Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [Archon gains the effect of every rune.]
    • 4 pieces: [You automatically start with 50 Archon stacks when entering Archon form.]
    • 6 pieces: [You also gain Archon stacks when you hit with an Archon ability.]
  • Embodiment of Marauder
    • 4 pieces: instead of saying “hatred spenders” now lists “Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, and Cluster Arrow”
      (Hatred Spenderの表記がElemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, and Cluster Arrowに変更)
  • Helltooth Harness [Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [Enemies hit by Wall of Death are afflicted by Necrosis, becoming Slowed and taking 2500% weapon damage every second for 10 seconds.]
      (Wall of Death(旧Wall of Zombies)がヒットした敵は壊死に侵され、10秒間スロー及び毎秒武器ダメージ2500%を受ける)
    • 4 pieces: [After applying Necrosis to an enemy, you take 50% reduced damage for 10 seconds.]
    • 6 pieces: [Enemies afflicted by Necrosis take an 800% increased damage from your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, and Wall of Death.]
  • Wrath of the Wastes
    • 2 pieces: tooltip added “per second”
      (ツールチップにper secondを追記)
  • Uliana’s Stratagem [New]
    • 2 pieces: [Every third hit of your Spirit Generators applies Exploding Palm.]
      (スピリット生成スキルの3段目にExploding Palmが適用される)
    • 4 pieces: [Your Seven-Sided Strike deals its total damage with each hit.]
      (Seven Sided Strikeの各ヒットがトータルダメージと等しいダメージを与える
    • 6 pieces: [Your Seven-Sided Strike detonates your Exploding Palm.]
      (Seven-Sided StrikeがExploding Palmを起爆させる)
  • Spirit of Arachyr [New]
    • 2 pieces: [Summon a permanent Spider Queen who leaves behind webs that deal [1500]% weapon damage over 5 seconds and Slows enemies. The Spider Queen is commanded to move to where you cast your Corpse Spiders.]
      (時限なしでSpider Queenを召喚。後に残した蜘蛛の巣が武器ダメージ1500%を5秒間与え、敵をスロウ状態にする。このSpider Queenはキャラクターが蜘蛛のCorpse Spiders(WDのプライマリスキル)を投げた場所へ移動する)
    • 4 pieces: [Hex gains the effect of the Toad of Hugeness rune. While Toad of Hugeness is active, you take 40% reduced damage. After Toad of Hugeness finishes his meal, you will heal for 10% of your maximum Life per second for 10 seconds.]
      (HexにToad of Hugenessの効果が適用される。Toad of Hugenessがアクティブな時は被ダメージが40%減る。カエルが敵を食べた後に最大ヘルスの10%が毎秒回復する)
    • 6 pieces: [The damage of your creature skills is increased by 500%. Creature skills are Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Hex, and Piranhas.]
      (召喚するクリーチャー(Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Hex, Piranhas)のスキルのダメージが500%増加)
  • Seeker of the Light [New]
    • 2 pieces: [Every use of Blessed Hammer that hits an enemy reduces the cooldown of Falling Sword and Provoke by 1 second.]
      (Blessed Hammerが敵1体にヒットするごとにFalling SwordとProvokeのクールダウンを1秒減らす)
    • 4 pieces: [You take 50% less damage for 8 seconds after landing with Falling Sword.]
      (Falling Swordで着地後の8秒間は被ダメージが50%減少)
    • 6 pieces: [Increase the damage of Blessed Hammer by 750% and Falling Sword by 250%.]
      (Blessed Hammerのダメージが750%、Falling Swordのダメージが250%増加)

Item passives


  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_001 – You take [{VALUE1}*100]% less damage for 8 seconds after landing with Falling Sword.
    (Falling Swordで着地後の8秒間は被ダメージが[]%減少)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_002 -Increase the damage of Blessed Hammer by [{VALUE1}*100]% and Falling Sword by 250%.
    (Blessed Hammerのダメージが[]%、Falling Swordのダメージが250%増加)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_003 -Every use of Blessed Hammer that hits an enemy reduces the cooldown of Falling Sword and Provoke by {VALUE1} second.
    (Blessed Hammerが敵1体にヒットするごとにFalling SwordとProvokeのクールダウンを[]秒減らす)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_004 -Increase the attack speed of Blessed Hammer by {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic}.
    (Blessed Hammerのアタックスピードが[]%増加)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_005 -Multishot attacks [{VALUE1}*100]% faster.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_007 -Blessed Hammer damage is increased by {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} for the first 3 enemies it hits.
    (Blessed Hammerが最初にヒットしたモンスター3体へのダメージが[]%増加)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_008 -When your Blessed Hammer hits 3 or fewer enemies, {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} of its Wrath Cost is refunded.
    (Bleesed Hammerがヒットした敵が3体以下の場合はWrathが戻ってくる)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_006 -Strafe projectiles pierce.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_009 -After applying Necrosis to an enemy, you take [{VALUE1}*100]% reduced damage for 10 seconds.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_010 -Enemies afflicted by Necrosis take an [{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage from your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, and Wall of Death.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_011 -Archon stacks also increase your Attack Speed, Armor and Resistances by [{VALUE1}*100]%.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_012 -You also gain Archon stacks when you hit with an Archon ability.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_013 -Every second while in Archon form you expel a Wave of Destruction, dealing [{VALUE1}*100]% weapon damage to enemies within 30 yards.
    (Archon状態の時は毎秒Wave of Destructionを発射し30ヤード以内の敵に武器ダメージ[]%を与える)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_014 -You automatically start with {VALUE1} Archon stacks when entering Archon form.
  • Lewis_ItemPassive_Test -{c_magic}[{VALUE1} * 2]%{/c_magic} chance on hit to summon a Fetish Sycophant.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_015 -Summon a permanent Spider Queen who leaves behind webs that deal [{VALUE1}*100*5]% weapon damage over 5 seconds and Slows enemies. The Spider Queen is commanded to move to where you cast your Corpse Spiders.
    (時限なしでSpider Queenを召喚。後に残した蜘蛛の巣が武器ダメージ[]%を5秒間与え、敵をスロウ状態にする。このSpider Queenはキャラクターが蜘蛛の死体を投げた場所へ移動する)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_016 – Hex gains the effect of the Toad of Hugeness rune. While Toad of Hugeness is active, you take [{VALUE1}*100]% reduced damage. After Toad of Hugeness finishes his meal, you will heal for 10% of your maximum Life per second for 10 seconds.
    (HexにToad of Hugenessの効果が適用される。Toad of Hugenessがアクティブな時は被ダメージが[]%減る。カエルが帰った後に最大ヘルスの10%が毎秒回復する)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_017 -The damage of your creature skills is increased by [{VALUE1}*100]%. Creature skills are Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Hex, and Piranhas.
    (召喚するクリーチャー(Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Hex, Piranhas)のスキルのダメージが[]%増加)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_018 -Your Seven-Sided Strike deals its total damage with each hit.
    (Seven Sided Strikeの各ヒットがトータルダメージと等しいダメージを与える)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_019 -Every third hit of your Spirit Generators applies Exploding Palm.
    (スピリット生成スキルの3段目にExploding Palmが適用される)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_020 -Your Seven-Sided Strike detonates your Exploding Palm.
    (Seven-Sided StrikeがExploding Palmを起爆させる)
  • ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_879_x1 -Gain the Leech passive.
    (Leech passiveを得る。意味不明)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_021 -Every time you hit with an attack while not in Archon form, [{VALUE1} * 100]% weapon damage is added to the Wave of Destruction, stacking up to 20 times.
    (Archon状態でない時に攻撃ヒットするとWave of Destructionに武器ダメージ[]%を追加。スタックは最大20回)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_022 -The bonuses from Archon stacks now last for {c_magic}{VALUE1}{/c_magic} seconds after Archon expires.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_023 -Judgment is cast at your landing location when casting Falling Sword.
    (Falling Swordをキャストすると着地点へJudgmentがキャストされる)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_024 -The first time an enemy deals damage to you, reduce that damage by {c_magic}[{value1}*100]% and Charm the enemy for 3 seconds.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_025 -The damage of your Spirit Generators is increased by [{VALUE1}*100]% for each point of Spirit you have.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_026 -When reaching maximum Spirit, all damage is increased by [{VALUE1}*100]%, but you no longer passively regenerate Spirit and 65 Spirit is drained every second until you run out of Spirit.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_027 -Each hit with Seven-Sided Strike grants {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100|1|]%{/c_magic} damage reduction for 7 seconds.
    (Seven-Sided Strikeのヒットごとに被ダメージの[]%が7秒間軽減される)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_028 -Your Hatred generators attack 30% faster and deal {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_029 -While channeling Firebats, gain {c_magic}{VALUE1} Life per Hit.
    (Firebatsを放出してる間は[]のLife per Hitを得る)
    ItemPassive_Unique_Mojo_010_x1_tooltipDummy_1 -Your Hex – Angry Chicken lasts 15 seconds and movement speed as a chicken is increased by an additional 100%.
    (Hex – Angry Chickenが15秒持続。ニワトリ時の移動スピードが100%増加。)
  • p1_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_945 -Spike Trap – Sticky Trap spreads to nearby enemies when it explodes.
    (Spike Trap – Sticky Trapの爆発が付近の敵まで拡散する。以前は16ヤード以内。)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_030 -Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2). [NOTE: This is not the same ID as RoRG]
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_031 -Wall of Death can be cast up to twice again within 2 seconds before the cooldown begins.
    (クールダウンが始まる2秒前までにWall of Deathをさらに2回までキャストすることができる。実際はクールダウン開始後2秒以内のような気もする)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_032 -When Hammer of the Ancients hits an enemy, gain {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% increased Attack Speed for 3 |4second:seconds;.
    (Hammer of the Ancientsがヒットするとアタックスピードが3-4秒間増加する)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_033 -Call of the Ancients gains the effect of the Ancients’ Fury rune.
    (Call of the AncientsにAncients’ Furyのルーンが適用される)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_034 -Cleave deals up to {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage based on percentage on missing Fury.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_035 -Seismic Slam deals {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage to the first two enemies it hits.
    (Seismic Slamがダメージを与えた最初の敵2体へのダメージが[]%増加)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_036 -Demon Hunter defensive item.
    (Demon Hunterのディフェンシブアイテム)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_037 -Weapon Throw generates up to {c_magic}{VALUE1} additional Fury based on how far away the enemy hit is. Maximum benefit when the enemy hit is 20 or more yards away.
    (Weapon Throwが最大[]のフューリーを生成。これは敵との距離に基づき、20ヤード以上の敵にヒットすると最大限の効果がある)
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_038 -Your Hatred Generators reduce your damage taken by {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} for 5 seconds.
  • ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_612_p3 -Lightning damage has a chance to turn enemies into lightning rods, causing them to pulse {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} weapon damage as Lightning every second to nearby enemies for 6 seconds.
  • ItemPassive_Unique_Sword_1H_012_p3 -Undead and Demon enemies within 25 yards take {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} weapon damage as Holy every second and are sometimes knocked into the air.
  • ItemPassive_Unique_Mighty_1H_006_p3-You are surrounded by a Chilling Aura when attacking.

Class Changes



  • No Escape Bonus damage to Weapon Throw and Ancient Spear increased by 30% (up from 25%) and minimum range reduced to 15 yards (down from 20).
    (Weapon ThrowとAncient Spearのボーナスダメージが30%に増加。敵までの距離が15ヤードに短縮。)
  • Cleave
    • Scattering Blast : On Critical Hits, knock enemies up into the air (reworked from knockback) and deal 80% weapon damage to enemies where they land.
  • Battle Rage
    • Ferocity : Increase movement speed by 10%. (reworked from increased duration)
    • Swords to Ploughshares : Critical Hits heal you for up to 21457 Life. (reworked from increased chance at dropping health globes)
  • Frenzy
    • Vanguard : Gain 5% movement speed  for each stack of Frenzy. (reworked from flat 25% movespeed)
  • Seismic Slam Deals 620% weapon damage to enemies up to 50 yards in front of you. (up from 45 yards)
  • War Cry
    • Veteran’s Warning : Increase Dodge Chance by 30% while affected by War Cry. (up from 15%)
      (War Cryが有効な間に回避チャンスが30%増加)


  • Hot Pursuit Increase movement speed by 20% for 4 seconds (up from 2) when you hit an enemy.
  • Numbing Traps Enemies you Slow or hit with Fan of Knives, Spike Trap, Caltrops, Grenades, and Sentry fire have their damage reduced by 25% for 5 seconds (up from 3).
    (スロウ状態にした敵か Fan of Knives, Spike Trap, Caltrops, Grenades, Sentryの攻撃がヒットした敵からのダメージが5秒間、25%減少)
  • Spike Trap Trap arms after 1.5 (down from 2) seconds. The trap has a 0.5 second (down from 2) re-arming time.

    • Long Fuse : Increases arming (changed from arming and re-arming) time to 3 seconds but increases damage to 930% weapon damage (up from 520%) in a single blast (changed from Fire). Enemies are now stunned for 2 seconds.
    • Echoing Blast : Damage increased to 575% weapon damage (up from 420%). Now explodes in a single blast that freezes targets for 3 seconds – while frozen damage taken is amplified by 20%.
    • Sticky Trap : After 1 second (down from 2) the bomb explodes dealing 915% weapon damage (up from 800% – changed from Fire) to all enemies within 12 (down from 16) yards.
    • Lightning Rod : Reworked to chain hit enemies with Lightning within 10 yards. Now will also arc from any triggered trap to any armed traps within 75 yards. Damage increased to 800% (up from 500%) over 10 hits.
  • Leech (NEW)
    • Stat: Gain 18507 Life per Hit. / Heal amount is increased by 75% of your Life per Kill.
      (18507 Life per Hitを得る。ヒール回復量が持っているLife per Killの75%分増加する)
    • Description: “For a Demon Hunter, killing is life. Kill, grow strong, and survive.” – Mynton, Demon Hunter


  • Spiritual Attunement Now regenerates 3% of your maximum Mana per second (up from 1%).
  • Blood Ritual 20% of Mana costs are paid with Life (up from 10%).
  • Bad Medicine When you deal Poison damage to an enemy, its damage is reduced by 25% (up from 20%) for 5 seconds (up from 3).
  • Physical Attunement Swampland Attunement (reworded from Physical Attunement)
    (Swampland Attunementに変更)

    • You and your pets gain 120 (up from 70) Physical, Poison, Fire, and Cold Resistance  for every enemy within 20 yards. (reworked to affect pets as well and added elemental resistances)
      (20ヤード以内にいる敵1体につきキャラクターとペットのPhysical, Poison, Fire, Cold耐性が120上がる。ペットと物理以外の属性耐性が追加されている)
  • Corpse Spiders
    • Blazing Spiders : Throw a jar with fire spiders that that return 3 Mana to you per hit. (reworked from deal 700% Fire damage)
    • Widowmakers : Throw a jar with widowmaker spiders deal a total of 700% weapon damage as Physical. (reworked from return 3 Mana per hit)
  • Hex Hexed enemies take 15% additional damage (up from 10%).

    • Toad of Hugeness : Summon a giant toad that pulls in enemies, briefly swallows them whole then spits them back out with a layer of goo that deals 750% weapon damage as Poison over 5 seconds and increases all damage taken by 25%. (reworked from swallowing one enemy and dealing 580% damage per second).
    • Angry Chicken : Transform into an angry chicken for up to 2 seconds that can explode for 1350% weapon damage as Poison (changedfrom Physical) to all enemies within 12 yards.
    • Unstable Form : Hexed enemies explode when killed, dealing 500% weapon damage (up from 135%) as Fire to all enemies within 8 yards.
    • Jinx : Increases the magnitude of the hex to 30% additional damage (up from 20%).
  • Soul Harvest
    • Soul to Waste : Gain 5% increased movement speed for each enemy harvested. (NEW)
  • Firebomb
    • Ghost Bomb : In addition to the base explosion, the skull creates a larger blast that deals an additional 30% weapon damage as Cold (changed from Fire) to all other enemies within 28 yards.
  • Acid Cloud
    • Corpse Bomb : Raise a corpse from the ground that explodes for 620% weapon damage (up from 525%) as Fire to enemies in the area.
    • Kiss of Death : Spit a cloud of acid that deals 333% weapon damage (up from 330%) as Poison, followed by 400% weapon damage (upfrom 396%) as Poison over 3 seconds.
  • Mass Confusion Incite paranoia in enemies, confusing them and causing some to be Charmed and fight for you for 12 seconds. (added Charm effect)

    • Mass Hysteria : Up to 10 enemies (up from 6) who are not Confused become Stunned for 3 seconds.
    • Mass Hallucination : Amid the confusion, a giant spirit rampages through enemies, dealing 400% weapon damage (up from 195%) per second as Physical to enemies it passes through.
    • Unstable Realm : Reduce the cooldown of Mass Confusion to 30 seconds (down from 45).
      (Mass Confusionのクールダウンを30秒に短縮)
    • Devolution : Enemies killed while Confused have a 100% chance to spawn a Zombie Dog (up from 30%).
      (混乱状態の敵を倒すと100%Zonbie Dogが出現する)
  • Zombie Charger
    • Zombie Bears : Summon zombie bears that stampede towards your enemy. Each bear deals 400% weapon damage (up from 392%) as Poison to enemies in the area.
    • Lumbering Cold : Zombie winter bears crawl out of the ground and run in all directions, dealing 200% weapon damage (up from 196%) as Cold to nearby enemies.
    • Explosive Beast : Summon an explosive Zombie Dog that streaks toward the enemy before exploding, dealing 580% weapon damage (upfrom 532%) as Fire to all enemies within 912 yards.
      (敵に向かって突進するZombie Dogが爆発すると12ヤード以内の敵に武器ダメージ580%を火属性で与える)
  • Firebats
    • Hungry Bats : Rapidly summon two bats that each seek out a nearbyenemy for 635% weapon damage as Fire. (reworked to summon two bats at once rather than one)
    • Plague Bats : Diseased bats fly towards the enemy and infect them. Damage is slow at first, but can increase over time to a maximum of 660% weapon damage (up from 638%) as Poison.
    • Vampire Bats : Firebats’ damage type now turns into Physical.
  • Plague of Toads
    • Piercing Toads : Mutate to frogs that pierce through enemies for 130% weapon damage as Physical. (changed from Poison)
    • Toad Affinity : Now deals Cold damage
  • Wall of Zombies Wall of Death (renamed from Wall of Zombies)
    (Wall of Deathに変更)

    • Description: Raise a wall (reworked from line) of zombies 28 yards wide from the ground that blocks enemies and attacks them (reworkedfrom only attacking enemies) for 800% weapon damage (up from 200%) as Physical over 6 seconds (up from 4).
    • Surrounded by Death : Raise a circle of zombies from the ground that traps and attacks nearby enemies for 1000% weapon damage (upfrom 25%) as Physical over 4 seconds (down from each attack) – reworked from zombies uprotting and attacking enemies.
    • Ring of Poison: Summon a deadly ring for 5 seconds that poisons nearby enemies for 1200% weapon damage as Poison over 8 seconds. (NEW)
    • Communing with Spirits : Summon a circle of spirits for 6 seconds that deals 1400% weapon damage as Cold, Chills nearby enemies by 60%, and reduces their damage dealt by 25% for 3 seconds. (NEW)
    • Offensive Line: Increase the width of the wall to 50 yards. All enemies in front of you are knocked back behind the wall. (NEW)
    • Fire Wall : Raise a wall of flame 40 yards wide for 8 seconds that burns enemieswho walk through, causing them to take 1000% weapon damage as Fire over 4 seconds. (NEW)


  • Unstable Anomaly When you receive fatal damage, you instead gain a shield equal to 300% of your maximum Life for 5 seconds (reworkedfrom heal for 45% max life) and release a shockwave that knocks enemies back and Stuns them for 3 seconds. (reworked from slows by 60%)
  • Archon
    • Slow Time : Arcane Blast and Arcane Strike abilities now Freeze enemies for 1 second. (added effect)
      (Arcane BlastとArcane Strike(Archon時のスキル)が敵を1秒間フリーズさせる(追加された効果))


    • Blessed Hammer
      • Icebound Hammer : The hammer is made of ice, chilling enemies it passes through and has a 35% chance (up from 10% to explode on impact, dealing 460% weapon damage (up from 380%) as Cold and Freezing enemies within 6 yards for 1 seconds (down from 2).
    • Judgment
      • Mass Verdict : All enemies are drawn toward the center of the judged area.
      • Debilitate : Enemies in the judged area deal 40% reduced damage for 6 seconds. (NEW)

Patch 2.3 and Season 4 Preview

シーズン4に関する記述から。Season Journy(シーズン専用の実績みたいなものでいくつかある)を完了するとポートレート以外にもペナント、ペット、ウィングがリワードで貰えるみたいです。

  • SeasonRewardDesc6: Complete the Season Journey to show your Colors with a Unique Portrait Frame and Pennant.
  • SeasonRewardDesc7: Complete the Season Journey to show your Colors with a Unique Portrait Frame and Pet.
  • SeasonRewardDesc8: Complete the Season Journey to show your Colors with a Unique Portrait Frame and Wings.


  1. PaYa@REDDEER より:





    • D3watch Uniqlo より:








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      • PaYa@REDDEER より:


        • D3watch Uniqlo より:

