PTR Patch 2.1.2 datamined!(解析まとめ)

PTR 2.1.2のDiabloFansデータ解析まとめです(画像はGlassCannon)。データの文字列そのままらしき表記もあるので、わかる範囲で書いてあります。やっつけなんで後で見直して修正予定。


String changes


Disclaimer: Item Passives are usually put on Rings for the sake of testing – chances are these will be put on other armor slots for the final version.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_650_x1 – Your generators, Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, and Cluster Arrow deal [{VALUE1} * 100]% increased damage for every active Sentry.
(リソース回復スキル、Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, Cluster Arrowは設置中のタレット1体につきダメージが*%増加する。)

・ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_717_x1 – Sentries cast your Hatred spender when you do and deal 100% increased damage.
*Marauder’sの6セットボーナスが変更になった可能性あり。RIP M6?

・ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_724_x1 – Casting Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush or Wave of Light causes a decoy to spawn that taunts nearby enemies and then explodes for [{VALUE1} * 100]% weapon damage.
(Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush, Wave of Lightをキャストするとデコイが現れ付近のエネミーを挑発する。その後に爆発し武器ダメージ*%を与える。)

・P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_008 – Whenever a gem drops, a gem of the type socketed into this item also drops.

・P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_008 – Frenzy gains the effect of every rune.

・P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_011 – Every {c_magic}{VALUE1} seconds, call down Bombardment on a random nearby enemy.

・P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_014 – Locust Swarm is cast on a nearby enemy every second.
(Locust Swarmが毎秒付近のエネミーへキャストされる。)

・P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_016 – Energy Twister periodically pulls in an enemy within {VALUE1} yards.
(Energy Twisterが定期的に付近*ヤード内のエネミーを吸い込む。)

・P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_017 – TEMP

・P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_018 – Exploding Palm’s on-death explosion applies Exploding Palm.
(Exploding Palmで死んだエネミーの爆発にExploding Palmの効果が適用される。)

・P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_019 – Enemies hit by the decoy explosion take [{VALUE1}*100]% more damage from your Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush and Wave of Light abilities for 3 seconds.
(上記デコイの爆風を受けたエネミーは3秒間、Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush, Wave of Lightのダメージが*%増加する。)

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_017_x1 – Regenerates {c_magic}{VALUE1} Life per Second.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_018_x1 – Gain X.

・P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_023 – Enemies snared by your Entangling Shot take {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage from all sources.
(Entangling Shotで足止されたエネミーへの全てのダメージ源が*%増加する。)

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_018U_x1 – Skills heal you for {c_magic}{VALUE1}% of your maximum Life for every second of cooldown.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_017U_x1 – After not taking damage for 4 seconds, gain an absorb shield for [{VALUE1}*100]% of your total Life per Second.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_016_x1 – Gain {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100|1|]% non-Physical damage reduction.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_016U_x1 – While below half Life, your resistances to Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, and Arcane are increased by [{VALUE1}*100]%.
(ライフが半分未満の間はCold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Arcaneダメージの抵抗値が*%増加する。)

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_019_x1 – Gain {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100|1|]% melee damage reduction.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_019U_x1 – While below [{VALUE1}*100]% Life, you may move unhindered through enemies.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_020_x1 – Your overhealing from Life per Hit and Life per Second are applied as an absorb shield for up to {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% of your maximum Life.
(ライフが満タンの状態にあるとき、Life per HitとLife per Secondは最大で最大ライフ*%分の吸収シールドを生成する。)

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_020U_x1 – Gain X.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_021_x1 – Gain X.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_021U_x1 – Gain Y

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_003_x1 – Monster kills grants {c_magic}+{VALUE1} experience.

・X1_Legendary_Potion_08 – Fears enemies within 12 yards for {c_magic}{VALUE1}{/c_magic} seconds.

・ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_003U_x1 – Level requirement reduced to 1.

・Speed Pylon – Greatly increased movement speed. Can pass through enemies, damaging and knocking them up into the air. Can burst through walls summoned by Waller elites.

Shield Pylon – Invulnerable to all damage and crowd control. All melee damage is reflected to attackers. Total reflected damage is unleashed as an explosion when the shield expires.


・Healing renamed to Recovery
・The amount of Toughness you can recover every second in combat.
・Recovery is based on your Toughness and Healing.
・Healing: {s2} Life healed per Second.
・Healing is based on your Life per Hit, Life per Second, Life Steal, Life per Fury/Spirit/Wrath Spent, Life per Kill, and Health Globe Healing Bonus.


・Each death in a Greater Rift increases your resurrection timer by {s1} seconds, to a maximum of {s2}.
(Greater Rift内での死亡ごとに復活までの時間が{s1}秒、最大で{s2}秒までスタックする。)


・UpgradeableJewelInstructionsWeapon – Can be inserted into weapons with sockets.


・Unique_Gem_003_x1 – Gem of Ease
・Gem of Ease – Gem of Reduced Level Requirement
・Unique_Cloak_002_p1 – The Cloak of the Garwulf
・P2_Unique_Helm_001 – Broken Crown
・P2_Unique_BarbBelt_006 – The Undisputed Champion
・P2_Unique_Belt_008 – Belt of the Trove
・P2_Unique_Staff_003 – Wormwood
・P2_Unique_Bracer_006 – Gungdo Gear
・X1_Boots_norm_season_01 – Conqueror’s Sabatons
・X1_chestArmor_norm_season_01 – Conqueror’s Cuirass
・X1_Gloves_norm_season_01 – Conqueror’s Gauntlets
・X1_Pants_norm_season_01 – Conqueror’s Legguards
・Unique_Gem_017_x1 – Molten Wildebeest’s Gizzard
・Unique_Gem_018_x1 – Stone of Heresy
・Mutilation Guard – Gem of Magic Damage Reduction
・Unique_Gem_019_x1 – Mutilation Guard
・Unique_Gem_020_x1 – Shen’s Delight
・Unique_Gem_021_x1 – Gem of X
・Unique_Gem_016_x1 – Esoteric Alteration
・HealthPotionLegendary_08 – Bottomless Potion of


・Treasure_Goblin_B – Odious Collector
・Treasure_Goblin_C – Gem Hoarder
・treasure_Goblin_H – Malevolent Tormentor
・p2_Ghost_A_JarOfSouls – Tartus
・P2_TreasureChild_B – Vault Peon


・RareGenericPrefix053 – Lylirra
・RareGenericPrefix054 – Nevalistis
・RareGenericPrefix055 – Grimuku


・Unique_Gem_003_x1 – This stone twinkles with low level light, inviting its bearer to dream of higher ambitions.
・Unique_Cloak_002_p1 – The cloak of one with an affinity toward wolves.
・P2_Unique_Helm_001 – The ancient crown of Rakkis, first ruler of Westmarch.
・P2_Unique_BarbBelt_006 – Few in this world can truly be called champions.
・P2_Unique_Belt_008 – Rumors have persisted for centuries that the crusaders maintain a secret bunker in Kehjistan, filled with ancient relics of unbelievable power. When
・the need is great, Crusaders are allowed to borrow one of these relics. The existence of this crusader belt would seem to confirm the existence of this bunker.
・P2_Unique_Staff_003 – The poisonous hatred of many a man was harnessed to create this staff.
・P2_Unique_Bracer_006 – “Cover your wrists in righteousness that you may strike with the will of the gods.” —Tenets of the Veradani
・Unique_Gem_020_x1 – “I made a very pretty gemstone once, to use should I ever come to face Dirgest, but I was hungry so I traded it for spiced meats and some wine.
・Those meats were excellent!”-Covetous Shen
・Unique_Gem_017_x1 – The gizzard of the molten wildebeest evinced such extraordinary properties when steeped in the correct mixture of alchemical reagents that the animals were hunted to extinction long ago.
・Unique_Gem_018_x1 – “The Mage Lord has no vision. He called my ideas a subversion of the natural order and forbade this gem’s creation. I can only assume there is a Jaq`taar Assassin searching for me even now.”-Darum, formally of the Vizerei Mage Clan
・Unique_Gem_019_x1 – Chau Thanh of Guozhi designed a gem which would transport the pain and suffering of a physical attack to an undisclosed location. When asked about the ultimate destination of this damage, she would simply smile and mutter “Well deserved. Well deserved.”
・Unique_Gem_016_x1 – Chuanyang of Xiansai designed a gem which would transport magical energies from their target to the workshop of his greatest competitor, Chau Thanh. He created several copies of this gem before he mysteriously disappeared.
・HealthPotionLegendary_08 – “If I learned one thing from my years in the dungeons it’s this: is a great motivator. We all need some in our lives!” – Royal Apothecary Jentulf at his reinstatement ceremony.

Skill changes


・Vanguard : Movement speed bonus while under Frenzy increased to 25% (up from 15%).


Night Stalker Your primary skills generate an additional 4 Hatred. (reworked from Critical Hits have a chance to restore 1 Discipline)
(プライマリ使用で4 Hatredを生成する。クリティカルヒットで1 Discpline生成は廃止。)

Custom Engineering : Now also increases the maximum amount of Sentry Charges. (Datamined text says that it’s increased “to 2”, but that may be a typo and charges are increased “by 2”, for a total of 4 Charges with the Passive)

・Suppression Fire : Knockback the first 2 enemies hit (reworked from Gain 1 discipline for each enemy hit)
(ヒットした最初のエネミー2体がノックバックする。エネミーヒットにつき1 Discpline生成は廃止。)

Spike Trap
・Echoing Blast : Now deals Cold damage (reworked from Poison).

・Cold Grenade : Now does Cold damage and Chills enemies. (reworked from Poison – Gas Grenades).
(コールド属性とエネミーにチル効果が発生する。毒属性のGas Grenadesから変更。)

・Serpentine : Now does Cold damage (reworked from Poison)

Sentry : Cost changed to 20 Hatred (down from 30) / Now gives a charge every 8 seconds and can have up to 2 charges stored at a time.
(コストが20 Hatredに変更。30から減少。8秒ごとに1チャージが充填され、最大で2チャージ溜めることが可能。1チャージでセントリーを1体設置できる。)

Smoke Screen : Cooldown is now 3 seconds (up from 2).
・Vanishing Powder : Now removes the Discipline cost but increases the cooldown to 8 seconds. (reworked from dealing Poison damage)

Evasive Fire
・Parting Gift : Now leaves behind a Physical damage bomb (from Poison) and changes Evasive Fire’s damage into Physical.
(設置する爆弾のダメージを物理属性に変更。変更前は毒属性。Evasive Fireのダメージが物理になる。)


Inspire : Wrath generated changed to 1 per second (down from 2.5).


Poisoned Spirit : Haunt now deals Poison damage and affected enemies take 20% more damage from all sources (reworked from slowing enemies).


Hydra : Now deals 105% weapon damage (down from 195%).

・Disclaimer: we do not have the actual context for the Hydra changes – there is likely a reason why their damage is being lowered, maybe a reworked passive or new legendary.

・Frost Hydra : Now deals 135% weapon damage (down from 275%).
・Lightning Hydra : Now deals 135% weapon damage (down from 305%).
・Blazing Hydra : Now deals 105% weapon damage (down from 185%).
・Mammoth Hydra : Now deals 295% weapon damage (down from 400%).
・Arcane Hydra : Now deals 130% weapon damage (down from 245%).

Energy Armor
・Force Armor : Now the amount absorbed cannot exceed 100% of your Maximum Life. (added)

PTR Patch 2.1.2 datamined(スキル編)、Patch 2.1.1 Hotfixes – Updated 11/18



*Spider CaveとOasisの一部レイアウトが変更になります。


