Tavern Talk 3/23 まとめ

FansのTavern Talkまとめです。一部別ソースの記事参考にしてるけど、かなりエスパー翻訳入ってるから、ニュアンス含めて話半分程度でお願いします。

Tavern Talk Summary

  • Trials are being heavily analysed and we can expect changes as soon as they have something solid.
  • Platinum and Cosmetics are coming to new regions (servers) – so only China. Not on NA, EU, KR and TW servers!
  • There are no announcements or plans of bringing those over. It was said they definitely don’t want boosters and P2W on the current servers.
  • It was hinted that Diablo will be “free to play” on the China realm.(以上のことから中国鯖はF2P仕様になると思われる)
  • No plans to remove Pylons in GRs. Small variance is ok – but not 10 levels of difference.
  • Immortal King’s power is being flexible and matching any skill – its strenght can grow a lot with new “skill specific” items.
  • New 2.2 Sets are meant to be the stars, and not old sets being the absolute best.
  • Season 3 is expected to be will be longer than Season 2, but shorter than Season 1.
  • New Sets and items will focus on different skills (Seven Sided Strike, etc) but old ones will remain faithful to their fantasy (like Raiment sticking to Dashing Strike).
    (今後の新セットは違うスキルにフォーカスする(モンクのSSSなど)。ただし旧セットはクラスのイメージに忠実なままにする(雷セットのDashing Strikeがそうであるように))
  • They are ok with how “non build defining” (or non-BiS) Ancient weapons present a tough choice when paired against BiS or build-defining non-Ancient weapons.
  • More Weapons with interesting affixes and that can compete (so that Furnace isn’t the only choice).
  • Devs are not happy with permanent immunity, perma-CC and no resource management.
    (開発は常時無敵、常時クラウドコントロールやリソース無限みたいなビルドは気に入らない模様(WDのperma rootも含む))
  • Cursed Realms are datamined and there’s nothing to be said about them.
    (データ解析にあった謎コンテンツのCursed Realmsについてはノーコメント)
  • Hotfixes mid-season (like the Sever change) will likely not happen anymore (so gonna have to wait for a patch) – internally they struggle a lot with this discussion, with the team being split.
  • No plans to allow Gem converting (red -> green), making targeting items easier (through Kadala), removing Gold Find from Paragon, changing Topaz bonus on Helms.
  • Leaderboards are awesome, but the devs don’t balance the game around them, and they don’t want to put too much focus on the competition (like giving exclusive ranking rewards).
  • On putting new Crafted Legendaries and Sets – they prefer working on improving what’s in the game already (Helltooth, Invoker).
  • John Yang said he will personally start working on Helltooh as soon as 2.2 hits, and is actively gathering feedback on that set!

Tavern Talk Summary


  • Future seasons are meant to run 3-4 months.
  • Next patch (before Season 4) will include new Item Sets for the Monk, Crusader, and Witch Doctor.
  • They’re actively working to add compelling legendary buffs to all existing weapons and armor and jewelry. Weapons especially in this patch and the next one.
  • No plans to make Ancient weapons easier to find or gamble, but “Super Kadala” upgrading blue/yellow items to Legendary of that item type is maybe on the horizon.
    (AIをギャンブルしやすくするプランはない。ただし、“Super Kadala”(トラヴィスが命名)が青/黄色アイテムを同タイプのレジェにアップグレードできるようになるかもしれない)
  • Lots of agreement that Realm of Trials isn’t great, and they want to do better than just giving multiple Keys for a single Trial, but no plans to announce yet.
