[DATAMINE] New PTR Patch – Class Changes, New Item Passives, and More


New/Updated Legendary Gem Icons and Textures

New Crusader Set

Set Name – Roland’s Legacy
2 Piece Bonus – +500 Strength.
4 Piece Bonus – Increases Shield Bash Damage by 100%. Increases Sweep Attack Damage by 100%.
6 Piece Bonus – Every use of Shield Bash or Sweep Attack that hits an enemy grants 20% increased Attack Speed for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times.

Unique_Helm_Set_01_p1 – Roland’s Visage

Unique_Shoulder_Set_01_p1 – Roland’s Mantle

Unique_Chest_Set_01_p1 – Roland’s Bearing

Unique_Pants_Set_01_p1 – Roland’s Determination

Unique_Boots_Set_01_p1 – Roland’s Stride

Unique_Gloves_Set_01_p1 – Roland’s Grasp

New or updated items(詳しい内容は解析不可)

p1_Unique_Belt_002 – Vigilante Belt

Unique_Mace_2H_012_p1 – Wrath of the Bone King

Unique_Bow_005_p1 – Uskang

Unique_HandXBow_004_p1 – Balefire Caster

Unique_Bow_001_p1 – Etrayu

Unique_Polearm_003_p1 – Heart Slaughter

Unique_Staff_009_p1 – The Grand Vizier

P1_CeremonialDagger_norm_unique_02 – The Dagger of Darts

x1_FollowerItem_Enchantress_Legendary_03 – Vadim’s Surge

x1_FollowerItem_Scoundrel_Legendary_03 – Slipka’s Letter Opener

x1_FollowerItem_Templar_Legendary_03 – Hillenbrand’s Training Sword

P1_CruShield_norm_unique_01 – Frydehr’s Wrath

P1_Wand_norm_unique_01 – Aether Walker

P1_CeremonialDagger_norm_unique_01 – Sacred Harvester

P1_CruShield_norm_unique_02 – Unrelenting Phalanx

Unique_Quiver_005_p1 – Spines of Seething Hatred

P1_fistWeapon_norm_unique_02 – Vengeful Wind

Flint Ripper Arrowheads – Renamed to Meticulous Bolts

New Item Passives(Ring)

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_900_x1 – Every use of Shield Bash or Sweep Attack that hits an enemy grants [{VALUE1}*100]% increased Attack Speed for 3 |4second:seconds;. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
(Shield BashないしSweep AttackがヒットするごとにASが3-4秒間?%増える。最大5スタック)

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_900_x1_1 – Roland’s Legacy

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_899_x1 – Increase the attack speed of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack [{VALUE1}*100]%.
(Shield BashとSweep AttackのASが?%増える)

p1_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_943 – Mystic Ally summons two Mystic Allies that fight by your side.
(Mystic Allyで召喚するMystic Alliesが2体になる)

p1_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_944 – Soul Harvest now stacks up to 10 times
(Soul Harvestが最大10スタックする)

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_911_x1 – Your Poison Darts and your Fetishes’ Poison Darts now pierce.
(Poison DartとFetisheのPoison Dartが貫通する)

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_912_x1 – Reduces the Arcane Power cost of Meteor by {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic}

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_913_x1 –Reduce the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by {VALUE1} |4second:seconds; every time you cast a primary skill.
(プライマリを使う度にRain of VengeanceのCDが?-4秒減る)

Changed Legendary Gem Passives

ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_015U_x1 – Now gains .5% increased Armor for ever stack (Down from 1%)

ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_010U_x1 – Pets are no longer unkillable and now take X% less damage

ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_015_x1 – now gains .5% increased damage (Down from 1%) for 4 seconds (up from 3). Gaining a stack no longer refreshes all existing stacks

ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_010_x1 – now increased the damage of your pets instead of the Critical Hit Chance of them.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_903_x1 – Now increases the maximum stack count of sweeping Winds instead of making it last for 60 seconds
(Sweeping Windsが60秒持続するのではなくスタックする最大数を増やす)


Class Changes


Berserker Rage : Reworded to “near maximum Fury” instead of “at maximum Fury”.

Bloodthirst : Healing per point of Fury increased to 3095 (up from 578) and to 4% of Health Globe Bonus (up from 1%).

Juggernaut : Now works on Freeze effects but no longer on Charm effects.

Bash : Damage increased to 320% (up from 215%).
– Instigation : Fury generation increased to 9 (up from 8).
– Pulverize : Shockwave damage increased to 100% weapon damage (up from 70%).

Cleave : Fury generation increased to 6 (up from 5).
– Broad Sweep : Damage increased to 235% weapon damage (up from 210%).

Weapon Throw : Damage increased to 275% weapon damage (up from 185%).
– Mighty Throw : Damage increased to 400% weapon damage (up from 270%).
– Ricochet : Ricochet distance increased to 20 yards (up from 15 yards).
– Balanced Weapon : Fury generation increased to 9 (up from 8).

Frenzy : Damage increased to 220% weapon damage (up from 155%).
– Sidearm : Damage of thrown axes increased to 300% weapon damage (up from 130%).
– Berserk : Has been completely redesigned: Now increases Fury generated to 6. / Frenzy’s damage turns into Cold.

Call of the Ancients : Duration reduced to 20 seconds (down from 30 seconds). Damage increased to 270% weapon damage (up from 180%).
– The Council Rises : Damage increased to 540% weapon damage (up from 360%).
– Ancients’ Fury : Fury generation increased to 4 (up from 3).

Whirlwind : Movement speed increased to 100% (up from 75%).


Shadow Power : Life on Hit bonus increased to 12379 (up from 8253).
– Well of Darkness : Has been completely redesigned: Now reduces the cost to 10 Discipline.
– Blood Moon : Life on Hit bonus increased to 24758 (up from 16505).

Elemental Arrow
– Screaming Skull : Has been removed and replaced by Immolation Arrow : Shoot a fiery arrow that hits an enemy for 300% weapon damage as Fire and explodes, immolating the ground for 315% weapon damage as Fire over 2 seconds to enemies within 10 yards.

Rapid Fire
– Web Shot : Has been renamed to Frost Shots.

– Emberstrafe : Has been removed and replaced by Icy Trail: Leave an icy trail in your wake that deals 300% weapon damage as Cold over 3 seconds and Chills enemies for 3 seconds.
– Rocket Storm : Now deals Fire damage instead of Cold.

Evasive Fire : Backflip distance has been reduced to 5 yards (down from 15 yards) but the limitation of one backslip per 3 seconds has been removed.
– Surge : Has been completely redesigned : Increase the backflip distance to 15 yards. / Evasive Fire’s damage turns into Lightning.
– Displace : Has been removed and replaced by Focus: Instead of backflipping, increase Hatred generated to 7. / Evasive Fire’s damage turns into Cold.


Transcendence : Healing per Spirit spent increased to 1568 (up from 248) and to 2% of your Health Globe Healing bonus (up from 0.4%).

The Guardian’s Path : Dodge chance while dual-wielding increased to 35% (up from 15%).
Sixth Sense : Has been completely redesigned: Reduce all non-Physical damage taken by 25%.

Guiding Light : Has been removed and replaced by Alacrity : Increase the attack speed of Spirit Generators by 15%.

Fists of Thunder : Spirit generation decreased to 20 (down from 22) and damage decreased to 200% weapon damage (down from 255%), third hit damage decreased to 400% (down from 510%).
– Thunderclap : Shockwave damage increased to 120% weapon damage (up from 105%).
– Quickening : Spirit generation decreased to 20 (down from 22).

Deadly Reach : Damage increased to 260% weapon damage (up from 200%).
– Scattered Blows : Third hit damage increased to 215% weapon damage (up from 185%).
– Searing Grasp : Damage increased to 260% weapon damage (up from 200%).

Crippling Wave : Damage decreased to 155% weapon damage (down from 175%).
– Mangle : Damage decreased to 255% weapon damage (down from 265%).
– Tsunami : Freeze duration reduced to 1 second (down from 1.5 seconds).
– Rising Tide : Spirit per enemy hit decreased to 2.5 (down from 3.5).

Mantra of Healing
– Heavenly Body : Now increases maximum Life by 20%, instead of Vitality by 10%.
– Time of Need : Has been completely redesigned : Passive: Mantra of Healing also reduces damage taken by 30% when below 50% Life.

Way of the Hundred Fists : Damage decreased to 190% weapon damage (down from 220%).
– Hands of Lightning : Third hit damage decreased to 423% weapons damage (down from 490%).
– Windforce Flurry : Third hit damage increased to 500% weapon damage (up from 285%).

Dashing Strike : Time between charges increased to 8 seconds (up from 6).

Sweeping Wind : All runes with maximum stack count effects have been reworded to activate at 3 or more stacks.

Wave of Light : No longer damages enemies in a line and now deals all its damage at once. Damage dealt reduced to 1045% weapon damage (down from 960%+125%).
– Wall of Light : No longer increases amount of damage dealt but now always stuns for 1 second. Damage type changed to Physical.
– Empowered Wave : No longer damages enemies in a line and now deals all its damage at once. Damage dealt reduced to 1045% weapon damage (down from 960%+125%).
– Shattering Light : Has been completely redesigned : Wave of Light deals an additional 165% weapon damage as Cold in a line.

Mantra of Evasion : Has been removed and replaced by Mantra of Salvation : Cost: 50 Spirit / Active: You and nearby allies gain an additional 20% increased resistance to all elements for 3 seconds. / Passive: You and your allies within 60 yards gain 20% increased resistance to all elements. / Only one Mantra may be active at a time.
– Backlash : Has been removed and replaced by Agility : Passive: Mantra of Salvation also increases Dodge Chance by 35%.
– Perseverance : Has been completely redesigned : Passive: Increases the resistance to – all elements bonus to 40%.

Lashing Tail Kick : Cost increased to 50 Spirit (up from 30) and damage has been increased to 755% weapon damage (up from 624%).
– Vulture Claw Kick : Now hits enemies withing 10 yards. Damage increased to 755% weapon damage (up from 524%) and now deals an additional 230% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds.
– Spinning Flame Kick : Damage increased to 755% weapon damage (up from 677%).
– Sweeping Armada : Has been completely redesigned : Unleash a large roundhouse kick that deals 825% weapon damage as Physical to enemies within 15 yards.
Scorpion Sting : Stun chance increased to 100% (up from 85%) and stun duration increased to 2 seconds (up from 1.5 seconds).

Tempest Rush
The former PH Lightning Rune placeholder name has been renamed to Electric Flied.

– Windwalker : Has been removed and replaced by Insight : Increases the bonus Spirit regeneration from Epiphany to 45.


Locust Swarm
– Diseased Swarm : Has been reworded to work on enemies killed while affected by Locust Swarm, not just killed by the skill itself.

– Pyrogeist : Damage increased to 880% weapon damage (up from 560%).


Explosive Blast
– Obliterate : Damage type changed to from Arcane to Cold.

– Lightning Storm : Lightning Damage bonus reduced to 15% (down from 20%).

Magic Weapon
– Ignite : Now only has a chance to burn enemies but damage increased to 300% weapon damage (up from 86%).
– Conduit : Now always restores up to 3 Arcane power (up from 1) per enemy hit.

Meteor : Damage increased to 740% weapon damage (up from 610%) initially and 235% (up from 195%) over 3 seconds.
– Meteor Shower : Damage increased to 277% weapon damage (up from 228%).
– Comet : Has been completely redesigned : Summon a Comet that deals 740% weapon damage as Cold and freezes chilled enemies for 1 second upon impact. / The impact site is covered in an icy mist that deals 235% weapon damage as Cold over 3 seconds.
– Star Pact : Has been completely redesigned : Expend all remaining Arcane Power. Each point of extra Arcane Power spent increases the impact damage of Meteor by 20% weapon damage as Arcane.
– Lightning Bind : Has been removed and replaced by Thunder Crash : Removes the delay before Meteor comes crashing down. / Meteor’s damage turns into Lightning.

Arcanot : Arcane Power generated every second increased to 4.5 (up from 2).

Arcane Torrent
– Disruption : Has been removed and replaced by Flame Ward : You take 15% less damage from attacks while channeling. Every second you channel increases this amount by 5%, up to a maximum total of 25% damage reduction. / Arcane Torrent’s damage turns into Fire.


Wrathful :Healing per Wrath spend increased to 3301 (up from 825) and to 4% of your Health Globe Healing bonus.

Fist of the Heavens
– Fissure : Damage type changed to Lightning.

Shield Bash : Damage reduced to 700% weapon damage (down from 1200%).
– Pound : Damage increased to 1320% weapon damage (up from 1200%).

– Mass Verdict : Wording changed : All enemies are first drawn toward the center of the judged area.

New PTR Patch – Class Changes, New Item Passives, and More



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